Stage 3 - 42K Beach Run

42K Beach Run "Arena, Sol y Diversión"

March, the month of equinoxes, the temperature rises in the Caribbean and the fight against the pandemic in the world continues without ceasing; But your 2021 challenges do not stop, the routine that connects your miles marked with a lifestyle full of health that we are passionate about.

At this point of the year you have already discovered new things in the runner world, some of you want to repeat and remove the thorn from an unfinished race, or go for a personal best, and why not, physical condition. Perhaps they have only supported a friend and are dazzled, what they will surely feel is that, with each step, you make the decision to take another, and consequently, people join, become good friends, strengthen families and transcend borders, even in pandemic. 😉

We want you to remain motivated, as much as on this date each year for the Varadero International Marathon, that you run with the same or even greater enthusiasm; We invite you to include the blue color of the sea in your race between the 26th and 28th, move to feel the smell and taste of the sea, the air in the shade of a palm tree and why not, the refreshing dip at the end of the race . For the runners of the Island (of Cuba) it is easy to get there 🌊, and for those who are not nearby, because there is no excuse, so go for it and look for it anywhere that makes you remember and / or live it.

Ready to put your feet on the ground and not look back!?

Well, I'll tell you that Cuba Endurance and Cuban Runners have an event prepared for you, so follow the link below and sign up for the 3rd Stage of the Running Cuba Series, the 42K Beach Run "Arena, Sol y Diversión", an event that will take place during the weekend of March 26 to 28, this time with distances for everyone, from 5K (running and walking) to 42K, through 10K and 21K, go ahead, we want to see your kilometers.

Registration Form

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