What is “Running Cuba Series”?

Competitive Series of Running and Power Walking events, these can be “In Place” or “Virtual” in order to comply with the athlete’s country local restrictions in any given scenario.


We have defined a schedule of 9 events spread through all the year, with several distances on each of them. Even having the events on the same dates of currently existing ones, the idea is the athletes can go to those and according to their results they will acquire points in our Series as per the predefined Scoring System.

Age Group Rankings Powered by Cuba Endurance


Each year, athletes generate points based on their performance at each race they complete. At the end of the year, Cuba Endurance identifies the athletes who have finished in the top 10 percent of their age group.


Athletes may rank in the following three categories:

  • Overall AGR: Measures an athlete's performance in both FULL and HALF races. As long as one FULL and HALF race is completed, SPRINT events will also count in the overall category.

  • FULL AGR: Scores only FULL races.

  • HALF AGR: Scores only HALF races.

AGR Points System Break Down

How it works?

  • AGR points are calculated based on the athlete’s race finish time behind the first finisher in his/her age group. Points continue to drop as the race time increases, until the points reach a "point floor," at which point they don’t drop any further.

  • An athlete’s points accumulate over the course of the calendar year. Although athletes may compete in as many FULL, HALF, and SPRINT events as they choose, on January 1st of each year, only their highest three AGR point totals will count toward their CEA status.

  • Points are allocated to each race distance and calculated based on the athlete’s finish time behind the first official finisher in their age group. If the race is deemed a non-wetsuit legal race, all athletes who choose to race in the wetsuit wave will receive base participation (minimum) points in accordance with the AGR. (i.e: 700 points for a FULL and 500 for a HALF event.)

  • There is a value to the minutes and seconds in each race distance. In a FULL, the points diminish at a rate of approximately 15 points per minute. In a HALF they diminish by approximately 20 points per minute. SPRINT diminish at a rate of 23 points per minute.

Example: If you win your age group in FULL events, you are awarded 5,000 points. If you finish in second place a minute behind the leader, your points are 4,988.

* Rate at which points decrease based on finish time behind the first finisher in each age group.

** Time it takes from the first finisher to reach minimum points.