Guest Wi-Fi

Visitors to Campus

Visitors to campus have two options for Wi-Fi Internet access:

How to use utguest

That's it, no accounts, codes, coupons, or click-throughs needed.  utguest is an "open Wi-Fi network", meaning there is no encryption support or means of contacting you if there is a problem with the device.  Learn more at

Limited support for connecting your devices is available from the ITS Service Desk (512-475-9400,  Note the restrictions below.


How to use eduroam

Refer to instructions from your home institution-- they may be manual or utilize installer software.  In general:

Contact your home institution for support connecting your device.  Note the restrictions below.



Protocols/Ports Allowed


TCP 80, 443, 8080, 8443

UDP 443


PPRP - IP 47; TCP 1723

L2TP - IP 50, 51; UDP 500, 1701, 4500, 10000

OpenVPN - TCP/UDP 443 & 1194

ZeroTier - UDP 9993


IMAP - TCP 143, 220, 993

POP - TCP 110, 995

SMTP - TCP 465