School-based Professional Development

School-based Professional Development: School workshops cum Small Group Advisement

A Professional Development alternative to one-off workshops

One-off assessment workshops have been the common mode of professional development. However, this mode does not provide teachers with time, opportunity, and guidance to apply what has been taught. A customized PD arrangement for facilitated learning cum small group assessment advisement is available for schools who wish to learn and apply an assessment change. Areas of focus may include constructing or revising rubrics, enhancing feedback practice, designing assessment tasks, etc. The PD configuration can take the form of:

  • An initial facilitated learning to a large group of teachers on the basic concepts and practices of the assessment change/intervention.

  • A subsequent series of meetings with small groups of teachers to design and apply the change/intervention. Each meeting should be at least 3 hours, with 1 hour for each group of teachers in the same subject discipline. Schools can decide how many groups of teachers should be involved. A minimum of 2 meetings, a month apart for each group of teachers is recommended.

Here is a list of schools who have partnered us in this PD model:

Secondary Schools:

  • Juying Secondary School (2018-2019)

  • Bukit Batok Secondary School (2019)

Primary Schools

  • Chua Chu Kang Primary School (2019)

  • Tampines Primary School (2019)

  • Woodlands Primary School (2019)