Professional Development Opportunities

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The AFAL team supports a number of professional and leadership programmes and courses in NIE. These include:

Leaders in Education programme

Management and Leadership in Schools (MLS)

The team gives a series of five assessment lectures at the MLS. The purpose of these lecture series is to raise participants’ awareness of the different purposes of Assessment in the teaching and learning process, and to lead in the conceptual and creative planning of a balanced assessment system which consists of both assessment for, and of, learning. As a leader that leads and manages change and improvement, considerations must be well-thought-out to best balance needs, appropriate assessment, and instruction. In these core lectures, different purposes of assessment, and the relationship(s) between Assessment and Learning will be discussed in the context of Educational policies and practices in Singapore. The thrust of these lectures will be assessment for formative purposes. It will illustrate why and how Assessment is a critical and impactful discourse for constructing and enhancing how, and how well, students learn.

The team also offers the following 18h elective courses on assessment:

  • MLS037 Assessment Leadership by Dr Tay Hui Yong
  • MLS038 Student-Involved Assessment by Dr Wong Hwei Ming
  • MLS040 Leading Assessment Feedback Practices in Schools by Dr Rachel Goh
  • MLS041 Frameworks for Designing Quality Alternative Assessments for Middle Leaders by Ms Lin Rongchan

Click the hyperlinks for our expertise in professional development courses and school-based professional development.