What is EDGE?

Edge is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program. It provides a safe fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Edge resources speak to the physical, psychological, cognitive, relational, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth. Edge resources make it easier for youth ministers to plan out their semesters of Edge Night, retreats, and to train a team of adults, the Core Team, to assist them in the ministry. The resources present Catholic teaching in a way that young people can understand. 

EDGE nights take place on Friday evenings approximately every 2 or 3 weeks.

Doors Open: 6pm   ~   Program: 6:30pm-9pm   ~   Doors Close: 9:45pm


Our next couple of EDGE nights will give in depth explanations of the Mass, explore why it should be so important in our lives and why the Eucharist is called the “source and the summit” of our faith. The youth will learn not only the different parts of the Mass but also what liturgy is, the symbolism of what we do, and how to properly prepare for Mass and to receive Jesus Christ.


Edge helps middle schoolers unleash who they were created to be, in Christ.

CTK Lakeshore Youth Ministry 

Program Rules and Expectations

We want our youth ministry to be a fair and happy place. So we promise to…

Failure to abide by our code of conduct will result in a warning conversation with one of the leaders. If inappropriate behaviors continue beyond this point, the CTK Lakeshore Youth Ministry Team will proceed to contact your parent/guardian. Lack of improvement after this will result in temporary suspension from our programs, and if necessary, dismissal for the remainder of the ministry year. This series of consequences will be in place to ensure the protection of a safe and positive environment for all participants.