Call for Papers


Papers should have two to four A4 pages in the IEEE conference style


Please submit papers in the Portable Document Format (PDF) to the submission page on

EasyChair :


  • Compiler Optimizations for Irregular Structures

  • Intermediate Representations and Flow Analysis

  • Parallel Programming Environments

  • Grid Computing and Applications

  • Mobile/Network/Internet Computing

  • Data-Intensive Applications and Parallel I/O

  • Processing-In-Memory Techniques

  • Compiler/OS/Architecture for RISC-V

  • VLIW DSP Compilers

  • Edge Computing

  • Parallelizing and Vector Compiler Techniques

  • Run-Time Optimizations

  • Cluster Computing and Applications

  • Peer-to-Peer Computing and Applications

  • Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing

  • Scientific Applications/Embedded Applications

  • System Software with Nonvolatile Memory

  • Compilers for embedded multi-cores

  • GPU programming

  • AI Compilers

  • Compiler Techniques for Real-Time and Embedded Systems

  • Compiler Optimizations for Superscalar/VLIW Architectures

  • Languages and Libraries for High-Performance Computing