Paper Submission


(Electronic Submissions Only)

(A) 論文發表 (研究成果、進行中的研究計畫): 這部分與過去歷屆相同,但今年論文將採用海報 (poster) 的方式與其他專家學者交流討論。

  • In accordance with the previous events, papers need not be unpublished but should reflect your current research and interests. The proceeding (electronic files) will be distributed to the participants.
  • The submission should include the following header information: title, author name(s), corresponding author, postal address, e-mail address, telephone, and fax numbers.
  • LANGUAGE- Papers should be written in English.
  • LENGTH - Paper should be 2 to 4 pages including all the figures, tables, and references in the two-column IEEE style.
  • PAPER SIZE - Documents should be formatted for standard A4 paper.
  • ABSTRACT- Each paper should contain an abstract of 100 to 150 words that appears at the beginning of the document. Please use the same text that is submitted electronically along with the author contact information.
  • REFERENCES: List and number all references at the end of the document.

(B) 研究成果再分享: 這部分是今年新增部分,包含近年已於國際期刊、會議裡發表的論文,以口頭報告方式再次發表與分享,不提供與會者論文電子檔。

  • 投稿時,請提供論文作者資訊、摘要、全文、論文發表出處。
