


Mental Health Contract

Click the image to the left to access the Mental Health contract as a Word document. Feel free to modify where you see fit for your personal mental health journey or to support another person's growth.

Check out the Webinar "What is Mental Health" recording on the Wellness Webinars tab to get a detailed description of the contract's purpose and suggested ways to complete.

Procrastination Podcast

Click the image to the left to access a podcast episode titled "Why You Procrastinate ---- And How to Stop".

This is a 22 minute episode that not only presents a little science on why some of us procrastinate but also some specific tools to help us stop or decrease procrastination.

Check it out to see if it useful for you or you can suggest for others!

Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships

In the 3rd Live Webinar, "Relationship Ladder" this document was introduced supporting general ways to consider if your relationships were healthy or unhealthy. You can either click the image to the left or you can copy and paste the link below the image to access the entire Relationship Workbook where this document is located plus more support around relationships.

Check out the recording on the Live Webinar page to learn more about suggested ways to think about the tool and/or to use it for self or with others.

Self Care Tools

Are you taking care of yourself (especially through all this uncertainty)?! If you are unsure or don't know how, check out this YouTube video where students are panelists discussing self care.

Click on the image to your left to access the video or copy and paste the link below:

Basic Mindful Activity

Check out this basic mindfulness practice you can do to ground self and bring your awareness to the present.

This practice and others are explained in detail in the August 17th webinar. Check out when you get a chance in the Recordings Wellness Webinars on this site.

Mindfulness Apps

Below are a list of a few mindfulness apps you can download to your phone to support your mindfulness journey:



Smiling Mind

Also check out for more details about being mindful and additional resources.