Faculty Development Center Upcoming Support

FDC Workshop Offerings

Equity Pedagogy Module 2 Logo
IMPACT certificate logo
INCLUSIVE Certificate logo
Teaching and Technology Certificate logo
Mindful Certificate Logo
WAC Liaisons logo
Quantitative Workshops
Continuous Enrollment Workshops
Project UpGrads Certificate logo
News from Our Partners


Free WebAIM Accessible Document Training offered by the Chancellor’s Office for all CSU faculty and staff! 

Online Teaching Experience and Professional Development - Faculty Survey

This survey is meant to collect data from CSUF faculty about professional development participation relating to online course design and teaching. The goal is to use these data to help plan future professional development and support offerings by learning about faculty experiences. The survey will take about 5-7 minutes to complete. Individual responses will not be shared, and the information gathered will not be used for personnel evaluation purposes. All data will be reported in an aggregated format. Thank you for your time and participation!

The first is a request for faculty to consider participating in a summer Online Course Services (OCS) Professional Development Course in the CSU-QLT series. Completion of a QLT course will help prepare faculty to teach online and would serve as approved training for participation in CourseMatch. There are three summer sessions being offered:

Session 2 June 24 to July 21

Session 3 July 29 to Aug 18

Faculty can learn more by going to the website: https://ocs.calstate.edu/courses

Upcoming Workshops

Click on course title (or dates when appropriate) to enroll

FDC Certificate Earning Workshops

Writing Your AI-Ready Syllabus Policies(WAC)

Monday, June 03, 2024 - Sunday, June 09, 2024, Asynchronous, Facilitated by Leslie Bruce

This workshop guides you through adapting your academic integrity policies for the presence of AI

Workshop Flyer

Engaging AI Critically with Your Students(WAC)

Monday, June 03, 2024 - Sunday, June 09, 2024, Asynchronous, Facilitated by Leslie Bruce

This workshop introduces you to some of the promises and perils of AI chatbots, lets you explore ways to support critical thinking about AI in class, and gives you feedback for an in-class AI-infused activity you draft

Workshop Flyer

News From Our Partners

Recruiting Diverse Faculty Workshop Series: Creating an Equity-Minded Position Announcement

May 20, 2024, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, or Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Zoom, Facilitated by Edelmira Reynoso

With the help of an intentional professional development workshop series, faculty members can acquire the skills and knowledge needed to create a more diverse candidate pool and identify the most qualified applicants.

Workshop Flyer

Faculty Support

Our FDC Faculty Fellows offer support in a variety of areas.

Visit the FDC website for more information.

Faculty Fellow/Coordinator

Faculty Retention Support

Terri Patchen


Faculty Fellow/Coordinator

Teaching and Learning

Michelle Barr


Faculty Fellow

Writing Across the Curriculum

Leslie Bruce


Faculty Fellow

Teaching for Social Justice

Alison Dover


Faculty Fellow

Mentoring and Research Support

Matt Englar-Carlson


Faculty Fellow

Teaching and Learning

Chris Peterson


FDC-ORSP Faculty Fellow

Qualitative Research

Support Faculty Fellow

Guadalupe Diaz Lara


ORSP Faculty Fellow

Quantitative Research

Support Faculty Fellow

Kathleen Preston


ORSP Faculty Fellow

Scholarly Publication

Carrie Lane



Cayuse IRB Electronic Submission Process ORSP

Creating an account, the submission

process, amendments, and editing protocol.

Request your one-on-one Zoom meeting

Faculty Student Success Dashboard

As a faculty at CSUF you have access to the Faculty Student Success Dashboard (FSSD).

Please visit FSSD webpage to learn more about this Dashboard, watch the informational video and the video guides and find answers to your questions through the FAQ.


Browse a variety of topics on the FDC YouTube Channel: 

Classroom Technology and Support 

Canvas logo
Canvas Support Panda

IT Help Desk

Canvas Support

Canvas Consultants

Questions about FDC support?
Email Dr. Kathleen Preston and FDC staff at fdc@fullerton.edu. This email was sent from the Faculty Development Center. California State University, Fullerton