
Serving Higher Education Institutions of California 

          CONNECT   *    EDUCATE    *    GROW   *    SUPPORT 

The CSU+UC Event Professionals Network is a community of practice for event specialists working at higher education institutions across California. Led by a steering group of professionals from the two public university systems in California, the network is dedicated to helping the state’s professionals with the tenets below. 

CONNECT event professionals with their counterparts to foster a rich exchange of ideas and successful practices. 

EDUCATE event professionals with the skills to excel in their work. 

GROW event specialists professionally by bolstering their career development. 

SUPPORT event professionals with empathy and community as they navigate the stressful nature of their work. 


The network is working towards a reality where higher education event professionals in California have influence and are recognized and respected as professionals at their universities. 


The network's programming and committees welcome all event professionals working at a higher education institution in California. There is no fee to be part of the network; some programming has registration fees.


The network operates as several committees led by the Leadership Council and the CSU Advancement Academy at the CSU Chancellor’s Office. Leadership Council members chair the working committees that are composed of any interested network member. 

Leadership Council

Phyllis Grillo
CSU Monterey Bay

Chair, CSUUC Event Professionals Network

Chair, On Call/ Hot Topics Committee

Monica Doll
Stanislaus State

Vice Chair, Administration 

Chair, Engagement and History Committee

R. Paul Villaluz
Sac State

Vice Chair, Marketing and Communications

Chair, Digitial Communications Committee

Melissa Henss
San Diego State

Co-Vice Chair, Network Recruitment and Retention

Co-Chair, Membership Committee

Merry Coder
CSU Bakersfield

Co-Vice Chair, Network Recruitment and Retention

Co-Chair, Membership Committee

Adrianne McCraw
UC San Diego

Co-Vice Chair, Network Recruitment and Retention

Co-Vice Chair, Programming

Co-Chair, Membership Committee

Jessica Rowland
Cal State Fullerton

Co-Vice Chair, Programming

Chair, Conference Committee

Sam Camarena
Cal State Chancellor's Office

Vice Chair, Finance

CSU Chancellor's Office Liaison

Co-Chair, Finance Committee

Committees of the CSU+UC Event Professionals Network 

The CSU+UC Event Professionals Network is a volunteer-run venture, and its success is based on the work of our committees. Committee membership is open to all. Many committee members find their work rewarding because of its impact on elevating the profession and the new skills and professional connections they develop in service of the network. The charges of the current committees are below. If you are interested in joining a committee, please reach out to the respective contact. 

On Call/Hot Topics Committee

Charged with researching current and trending topics of keen interest to the network's membership to explore in ad hoc On Call webinars, discussions at the monthly Network Hot Topic meetings, and in conference programming.

Contact: Phyllis Grillo, pgrillo@csumb.edu 

Engagement and History Committee

Charged with providing high-touch engagement of network members to support them through difficult life moments, engaging the network's emeriti society in meaningful touchpoints, and serving as historians for the story of the CSU+UC Event Professionals Network.

Contact: Monica Doll, mdoll@csustan.edu 

Digital Communications Committee

Charged with engaging the larger network through our social media channels and email in order to foster a rich exchange of ideas between event professionals, increase a sense of belonging, and relay important information. 

Contact: R. Paul Villaluz,  villaluz@ucdavis.edu 

Membership Committee 

Charged with recruiting, onboarding, and supporting the network's volunteers, who serve on Committees and as Network Ambassadors, they create awareness of the network among higher education institutions across California.

Contacts: Merry Coder, mcoder@csub.edu

Melissa Henss, mhenss@sdsu.edu 

Adrianne McCraw, amccraw@ucsd.edu 

Programming Committee

Charged with planning networking and professional development opportunities for the network, including and beyond the annual conference. 

 Contacts: Adrianne McCraw, amccraw@ucsd.edu 

Jessica Rowland, jerowland@fullerton.edu 

Conference Committee

Charged with collaborating with the programming committee and the host institution of the annual conference to plan and execute the network's signature event. 

Contacts: Adrianne McCraw, amccraw@ucsd.edu 

Jessica Rowland, jerowland@fullerton.edu 

Sam Camarena, scamarena@calstate.edu 

Finance Committee

Charged with developing revenue-generating programs for the network. Including developing sponsorship opportunities for the annual conference and beyond, as well as making sure that funds are spent in a way that adds the most value to the network.   

Contact: Sam Camarena, scamarena@calstate.edu 

Network Ambassadors

The CSU+UC Event Professionals Network organizes a group of Network Ambassadors that promote the Network's resources at their institution and help connect new ideas, successful practices, and professionals back to the Network. Each institution has two ambassadors, a primary and an alternate. Ambassadors advise the network's leadership on the current issues and needs of the network and the larger profession of higher education event planning.

Interested in Serving as a Network Ambassador?

A Network Ambassador serves as the vital link between their institution and the CSU+UCEPN, promoting resources and programming while recruiting colleagues to contribute to the network's growth and excellence. They actively participate in committee work, monthly meetings about hot topics, and the annual conference, sharing innovative ideas and best practices from their institution to enhance network programming. Each institution in the CSU+UC Event Professionals Network is represented by two ambassadors.


If this sounds exciting, contact our membership committee to learn more about how you can serve as a Network Ambassador.