
The historic Hat Ranch property is a 300-acre former Arabian horse ranch surrounded by a ~1,500-acre conservation easement owned by the Grand Canyon Conservancy. It was established in the early 1800s and includes roughly 300 scenic areas and a variety of well-preserved period buildings. The ranch is encircled by Kaibab National Forest and is nestled between ponderosa pine forest and piñon-juniper woodland. The land’s rich history of human use dates back to pre-Columbian times, making it a unique site to examine human impact on the environment. 

The property itself is owned by Northern Arizona University and contains several buildings including bunk houses, a main house with kitchen and dining areas, full bathrooms with baths and showers, and a small conference center.  Cell and wifi service are both available on site.

There are multiple building structures at the Hat Ranch where guests will be sleeping, writing, and meeting. Each attendee will have a single occupancy room and a shared bathroom with 1-2 other attendees.