CSTL STEM Writing Retreat

May 13th - 17th, 2024

Held at the historic Hat Ranch (Williams, AZ)

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the first inaugural STEM Writing Retreat, a groundbreaking event tailored specifically for those immersed in the STEM disciplines (e.g., biology, mathematics, STEM education, anthropology, etc.). This unique retreat will unfold amidst the picturesque setting of the historic Hat Ranch, nestled in the refreshing cool pines of Northern Arizona.

We invite STEM faculty members to immerse themselves in an environment that combines the rich history of the Hat Ranch with the cutting-edge developments in their respective disciplines. 

Spanning five full days, from Monday afternoon to Friday afternoon, the retreat is strategically designed to build upon the successes of the past, enabling participants to elevate their projects. The focus remains on empowering STEM scholars to commence the retreat with works in progress and conclude with meticulously prepared manuscripts ready for submission.

Whether your endeavor involves scientific research articles, grant proposals, or the finalization of book chapters, the inaugural STEM Writing Retreat is uniquely positioned to cater to the distinctive needs of the STEM community. Join us in cultivating a supportive writing community amid the cool pines of Northern Arizona, where collaboration and skill enhancement converge in an atmosphere conducive to academic excellence.



Meet your instructor

Dr. Canipe is an Associate Professor of Elementary Science Education in the Department of Teaching and Learning.  She is also core faculty in the Center for STEM Teaching and Learning and an NAU President's Distinguished Teaching Fellow.  Her research interests center on the development of science teacher identity.  She is currently a member of the editoral boards for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST), Journal of Science Teacher Education (JSTE), and Innovations in Science Teacher Education.  She also regularly reviews manuscripts for Science and Children as well as conference proposals for NARST and AERA.