News for CSS NextCom

CSS NextCom is formed | 14.12.2023

The CSS NextCom committee was formed in a breakfast organized by Philip E. Paré (Phil) at CDC 2023 and supported by the CSS Executive Committee.

CDC 2023 Launch Breakfast attendees, with Prof. Philip E. Paré in the middle

The NextCom leadership team (from left to right): Shaoru Chen, Brooks A. Butler, Anna Winnicki, Anastasia Bizyaeva, Aoife Henry, M. Umar B. Niazi, Jonas Hall, Ahmet Aydin, and Zishuo Li.

NextCom initiates at the 62nd IEEE CDC, 14 December 2023, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. 

The CSS NextCom story is published in IEEE Control Systems Magazine | 12.06.2024

The paper titled "Empowering the Next Generation of CSS Leaders: From NextCom to ExCom" was published in IEEE Control Systems Magazine Volume 44, Issue 3 in June 2024. The paper declares the goals of CSS NextCom, along with the logo and initial leadership teams. The paper also sends out the message to Students and Early Career Researchers, inviting them to participate in the exciting activities organized by NextCom at upcoming control conferences and to follow our social media platforms.

The CSS NextCom first ECC activity is held in Stockholm | 26.06.2024

Our first NextCom event in ECC was held in ECC 2024 Stockholm, around 60 participants gathered in the F1 Auditorium at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, during ECC 2024, had a fun controls-themed charades game to break the ice! NextCom has more than 10 new members by this event and more new friends are coming!