
Youth Dynamics Inc toll free number 877-458-7022

Miles City 232-4233 Glendive 377-4943 Sidney 488-1148

YDI works with troubled youth and provides in-home services to address behaviors interrupting home, school & community

AWARE Inc toll free 800-432-6145 Miles City 234-4724

Miles City is the only office in this area that deals with youth, however they serve eastern Montana.  AWARE offers a Comprehensive School and Community Treatment program to address school issues.

One Health (formerly the Custer County Community Health Care Center and the Custer County Public Health Department)

210 S Winchester, Miles City 874-3377

The One Health Center can provide medical care for youth with limited funds not covered by Chip or HMK.  Anyone from eastern Montana can use the clinic.

Job Service Workforce Centers

Miles City 232-8340 Glendive 377-3314 Sidney 433-1204

Job Service offers training on basic job search skills, preparing for work, and maintaining work on their websites.  Individuals are encouraged to register to access jobs, online applications, and other services.  

Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services

Miles City office -877-296-1198 or 232-0583

Provides services to eligible individuals in eastern Montana to assist with preparing for, gaining or maintaining employment.  Can take applications on youth during the spring of their junior year.  Can provide consultation on youth of any age.  

Dawson Community College

300 College Drive  Glendive 377-3396, 800-821-8320

Miles Community College 2715 Dickinson, 800-541-9281

Certified Work Incentive Planner


Tiffany assists individuals who receive Social Security Disability Insurance SSDI or Supplement Security Income SSI with how work will affect benefits.  Very knowledgeable about work incentives and works closely with individuals in planning for work.