
Montana Office of Public Instruction

Montana Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) Region I

Council Bylaws (Developed 6/8/2015) (Adopted 10/30/15)

Article I

The name of the Council shall be the Region I Council for Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) The Council is a project of the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI), Special Education Office

Article II


The purpose of this Council shall be to implement the personnel development provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Montana special education administrative rules. State Bylaws & CSPD administrative rules shall be the basis for all CSPD activities.

The general purpose of the council will be to govern the actions of the coordinator(s), provide guidance and approval of major decisions affecting the operations of CSPD Region I

The Region I Council will coordinate, evaluate, review, and recommend action for all aspects of pre-service, technical assistance, training, in-service education and information dissemination offered to Region I’s educators, related service personnel, families and other team members responsible for implementing the IDEA.

Region I will be dedicated to providing the coordination and support needed to ensure comprehensive quality, integrated education and services to Region I’s infants, toddlers, children and youth.

Article III

Membership and Meetings

Membership shall be geographically balanced over our large region. Membership will be made up of stakeholders including elementary teachers, secondary teachers, special educators, occupational therapists, physical therapists, Part C providers, Higher Education, administration, Vocational Rehabilitation, psychologists, parents, and others indicated by state by-laws including other providers of professional development. Names are generated and voted on by the council. Stakeholders will remain on the council as long as they are still working within the region and are representing their fellow stakeholders.

Coordinator(s) will be selected after a region-wide advertising of the position. Co-chairs along with the current coordinator will collect applications and determine applicants suitable to interview. The Executive Committee will make the final selection, pending council approval.

The Executive Committee will be composed of the Coordinator(s), one co-chair selected from the fiscal agent and another selected from the existing council. Training will include reviewing the stakeholder manual, attending state meetings, and participating in conference calls. Training shall also include mentoring by out-going committee members. The tenure of the executive committee will be reviewed every three years. There are no term restrictions.

The Region I Council will meet three times a year: face to face meetings in October and June and one conference call or ITV meeting in January. An agenda and any pertinent materials will be forwarded to council members prior to the meeting. Robert’s Rules will be followed on voting issues. Discussion is expected and issues will be addressed.

Article IV

Fiscal Issues

The fiscal agent for the Region I Council will be Prairie View Special Services, which has been in place since the inception of CSPD Region I and is approved by the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

The budget will be developed by the coordinator(s). Funds shall be spent at the discretion of the coordinator(s) with direction from the council. Any purchase of materials other than those needed for a training in excess of $500 will be approved by 2/3 email vote of responding members.

The fiscal agent’s clerk, coordinator(s) and co-chair(s) will be in charge of the fiscal records.

CSPD regional officers will be trained on the proper use of IDEA/CSPD funds through OPI-provided trainings and for those attending state CSPD meetings.