
[27] J.-H. Hoon, Y.-H. Eom.
Empirical analysis of congestion spreading in Seoul traffic network
Physical Review E 108, 054312 (2023) [DOI]

[26] Y. Kwon, J.-H. Jung. Y.-H. Eom.
Global efficiency and network structure of urban traffic flows: A percolation-based empirical analysis.
Chaos 33, 113104 (2023). [DOI]


[25] H.-H. Jo, E. Lee. Y.-H. Eom
Copula-based analysis of the generalized friendship paradox in clustered networks
Chaos 32, 123139 (2022). [DOI]


[24] H.-H. Jo, E. Lee, Y.-H. Eom
Analytical approach to the generalized friendship paradox in networks with correlated attributes.
Physical Review E 104 (5), 054301 (2021). [DOI]


[23] E. Lee, S. Lee, Y.-H. Eom, P. Holme, H.-H. Jo

Impact of perception models on friendship paradox and opinion formation
Physical Review E 99, 052302 (2019)

[22] Y.-H. Eom
Resilience of networks to environmental stress: From regular to random networks

Physical Review E 97, 042313 (2018)

[21] Y.-H. Eom, S. Boccaletti, G. Caldarelli
Concurrent enhancement of percolation and synchronization in adaptive networks

Scientific Reports 6, 27111 (2016)

[20] Y.-H. Eom, A. Perna, S. Fortunato, E. Darrouzet, G. Theraulaz, C. Jost,
Network-based model of the growth of termite nests
Physical Review E 92, 062810 (2015)

[19] Y.-H. Eom, M Puliga, J. Smailović, I. Mozetič, G. Caldarelli
Twitter-based analysis of the dynamicsof collective attention to political parties
PLoS ONE 10(7): e0131184 (2015)

[18] Y.-H. Eom and D. L. Shepelyansky,
Opinion formation driven by PageRanknode influence on directed networks.
Physica A 436, 707 arXiv:1502.02567 (2015).

[17] Y.-H. Eom and H.-H. Jo,
Tail-scope: Using friends to estimate heavy tails of degree distributions in large-scale complex networks.
Scientific Reports 5, 09752 (2015).

[16] Y.-H. Eom, P. Aragon, D. Laniado, A. Kaltenbrunner, S.Vigna, D. L. Shepelyansky.
Interactions of Cultures and Top People of Wikipedia from Ranking of 24 Language Editions,
PLoS ONE 10(3): e0114825 (2015).  - This work is covered by The Guardian, The independent, Washington Post, Fast company, New Scientists, and other media.

[15] H.-H. Jo and Y.-H. Eom,
Generalized friendship paradox in networks with tunable degree-attribute correlation,
Physical Review E 90, 022809 (2014).

[14] K.M.Frahm, Y.-H. Eom, and D.L.Shepelyansky,
Google matrix of the citation network of Physical Review,
Physical Review. E 89, 052813 (2014)

[13] Y.-H. Eom and H.-H. Jo,
Generalized friendship paradox in complex networks: The case of scientific collaboration,
Scientific Reports 4, 4603 (2014). -This work is covered by MIT Technology Review and The independent.

[12] Y.-H. Eom, K. M. Frahm, A. Benczur and D. L. Shepelyansky,
Time evolution of Wikipedia network ranking,
The European Physical Journal B (EPJB) 86: 492 (2013).

[11] Y.-H. Eom and D. L. Shepelyansky,
Highlighting entanglement of cultures via ranking of multilingual Wikipedia articles,
PLoS ONE 8(10): e74554 (2013)

[10] H. Kwak, Y.-H. Eom, Y. Choi, S. Moon, H. Jeong,
Consistent community identification in complex networks,
Journal of Korean physical society 59, 3128 (2011)

[9] Y.-H. Eom, S. Fortunato,
Characterizing and modeling citation dynamics,
PLoS ONE 6(9): e24926 (2011)

[8] A. Mazloumian, Y.-H. Eom, D. Helbing, S. Lozano, S. Fortunato,
How citation boosts promote scientific paradigm shifts and nobel prizes,
PLoS ONE 6(5): e18975 (2011). - This work is covered by Nature news by Phillp Ball

[7] H. Kwak, Y. Choi, Y.-H. Eom, S. Moon, H. Jeong,
Mining communities in networks: a solution for consistency and its evaluation,
IMC '09 Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet measurement conference (2009)

[6] H. Chun, H. Kwak, Y.-H. Eom, Y.-Y. Ahn, S. Moon, H. Jeong,
Comparison of online social relations in terms of volume vs. interaction: a case study of Cyworld,
IMC' 08 Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet measurement conference (2008).

[5] Y.-H. Eom, C. Jeon, H. Jeong, B. Kahng,
Evolution of weighted scale-free networks in empirical data,
Physical Review E 77, 056105 (2008).

[4] Y.-H. Eom, H. Jeong, J. Yi, H. Orland,
Better conducting molecules are more rigid?,
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 76, 325 (2006).

[3] K.-I. Goh, Y.-H. Eom, H. Jeong, B. Kahng, and D. Kim,
Structure and evolution of online social relationships: Heterogeneity in unrestricted discussions,
Physical Review E 73, 066123 (2006)

[2] Y.-H. Eom, S. Lee, H. Jeong,
Exploring local structural organization of metabolic networks using subgraph patterns,
Journal of Theoretical Biology 241, 823 (2006).

[1] D.-H. Kim, S.-W. Son, Y.-Y. Ahn, P.-J. Kim, Y.-H. Eom, and H. Jeong
Underlying Scale-Free Trees in Complex Networks,
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 157, 213 (2005).