
Systems Biology of Molecular and Cellular Networks

We investigate the spatial and temporal dynamics of molecular and cellular regulatory networks

  • experimentally (mostly through collaborations but increasingly in house)
  • through mathematical modelling and model analysis techniques

The main research line on molecular networks focuses on the regulation of cell growth and proliferation, especially dealing with cell cycle regulation and its connection to aging, to the circadian clock and to spatial control of cell growth. We also develop tools to predict changes in the complexome upon perturbations by drugs or disease.

On the cellular networks track we investigate cell-cell interactions in yeast colonies and use the results of this approach in combination with theoretical ideas to design and synthetically establish multicellular computing colonies.

Research projects

Molecular regulatory networks

Cell size, protein aggregation and aging regulation in budding yeast cells, with Marti Aldea (Spain), students involved: Kirsten Jenkins, Emese Nagy

Regulation of mitotic exit at the spindle poles, with Peter Thorpe (Crick), student involved : Rowan Howell

Circadian clock - cell cycle coupling, with Christian I. Hong (USA), student involved: Zsófia Bujtár, Gabriella Mészáros

Prediction of protein complexes, with Simone Rizzetto (Australia) and István Reguly (PPCU, Hungary), students involved: Péter Angi, Fruzsina Dvorzsák, András Gágyor, Bence Keömley-Horváth, Anna Kozák, Marcell Miski, Áron Takács

Biological switches and clocks and biocomputing with Luca Cardelli (Oxford), Neil Dalchau and Andrew Phillips (both Microsoft Research) student involved: Gregory Szep, Suchana Chakravarty

Cellular regulatory networks

Cell-cell interactions in yeast colonies, with Irene Stefanini (Warwick) and Sándor Pongor (Budapest), students involved: Lili Bársony, Luca Dávid, Tünde Gaizer, János Juhász, Bence Makove, Nóra Molnár, Emese Nagy, Donát Pesti, Bíborka Pillér, Csaba Pongor, Helga Szakadáti, Kinga Szamosközi.