Csikász-Nagy Lab

Systems Biology of Molecular and Cellular Networks


New papers out:

Hernansaiz-Ballesteros, R. D., Földi, C., Cardelli, L., Nagy, L. G., & Csikász-Nagy, A. (2021). Evolution of opposing regulatory interactions underlies the emergence of eukaryotic cell cycle checkpoints. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10. Link

Szep, G., Dalchau, N., & Csikasz-Nagy, A. (2021). Parameter Inference with Bifurcation Diagrams. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.04243. Accepted in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34 Link to preprint

New preprints:

Reguly, I. Z., Csercsik, D., Juhasz, J., Tornai, K., Bujtar, Z., Horvath, G., Keömley-Horváth, B., Kós, T., Cserey, G., Iván, K., Pongor, S., Szederkényi, G., Röst, G., Csikász-Nagy, A. (2021). Microsimulation based quantitative analysis of COVID-19 management strategies. medRxiv. 10.1101/2021.06.20.21259214 Link