CS for All : csforall.org

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CSforALL?

Who is CSforALL?

What is the CSforALL Ireland Summit?

Who is the audience for the Summit?

How can I attend the Summit?

What is CSforALL?

Computer Science for ALL (CSforALL) is a bold initiative to make high-quality computer science an integral part of the educational experience of all school learners and teachers and to support student pathways to college and career success.

CSforALL embodies a vision in which educational systems provide equitable and accessible computer science education so that all students will be informed citizens who critically engage in a modern, technology-driven world; develop as learners, users, and creators of computational knowledge and artifacts; better understand the role of computing in the world around them; and learn, perform, and express themselves with computing across other subjects and interests.

Who is CSforALL?

CSforALL (csforall.org) is a non-profit hub for the CSforALL movement in the US and this is the first time the CSForALL Summit has travelled overseas! Members include school districts, nonprofits, government agencies, and companies that share a common goal of providing rigorous, inclusive, and sustainable computer science to all students.

What is the CSforALL Ireland Summit?

In March 2019, an Irish Summit will be held at NUI Galway inviting the national community of computer science educators, researchers and activists to come together again to mark progress and announce new commitments to reach the goal of access to rigorous, inclusive, and sustainable computer science education for all students.

Who is the audience for the Summit?

The audience for the CSforALL Ireland Summit includes stakeholders engaged in and supportive of building rigorous, inclusive, and sustainable computer science education in Ireland. This Summit will focus on the teacher educator audience as the CS Specification is introduced and rolled out to post primary schools. The Summit will include an in-person audience of carefully selected school delegates, commitment-making organizations and CS teacher educator leaders.

How can I attend the Summit?

The CSforALL Summit is an invitation-only event. To be considered for an invitation, you can make a commitment to support a CSforALL initiative and email cornelia.connolly@nuigalway.ie.