8th Educational Data Mining in Computer Science Education (CSEDM) Workshop

In conjunction with EDM 2024

Location: Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA and online - 7/14/24

In-person: GaTech Global Learning Center, Room 323; Zoom: Link

Room 323 is here!

Welcome to the 8th #CSEDM workshop which will be held during the EDM 2024 conference. 

The objective of this workshop is to facilitate a discussion among our research community around Educational Data Mining (EDM) and AI in Computer Science Education. The workshop is meant to be an interdisciplinary event. Researchers, faculty and students are encouraged to share their data mining approaches, methodologies and experiences where AI is transforming the way students learn Computer Science (CS) skills.

Registration: https://learningatscale.hosting.acm.org/las2024/registration/ Please note that there is no separate registration for workshops in EDM this year, you will need to register for EDM to attend workshops.

Request funding support here: Funding support for attendance will be provided by SPLICE upon request. Applications for financial support (including one night hotel lodging and $100 for registration reimbursement) should be filled in https://forms.gle/uUYkKsaQD1d21tXi7 before June 21st. The application results will be available through email in early July. 


CSSPLICE: http://cssplice.org/

Self-intro: https://bit.ly/CSEDM24intro

Google Groups:

CSEDM: https://groups.google.com/g/csedm

SPLICE: https://groups.google.com/g/cssplice

Important Dates (GMT -12/AOE Timezone)

For more information, contact Yang Shi <yshi26info@gmail.com>