Call for Papers and Important Dates

About the Workshop

Computing is an increasingly fundamental skill for students across disciplines. It enables them to solve complex, real, and challenging problems and make a positive impact on the world. Yet, the field of computing education is still facing a range of problems, from high failure and attrition rates to challenges in training and recruiting teachers to the under-representation of women and students of color.

Advanced learning technologies, which use data and AI to improve student learning outcomes, have the potential to address these problems. However, the domain of CS education presents novel challenges for applying these techniques. CS presents domain-specific challenges, such as helping students effectively use tools like compilers and debuggers and supporting complex, open-ended problems with many possible solutions. CS also offers unique opportunities for developing learning technologies, such as abundant and rich log data, including code traces that capture each detail of how students' solutions evolved. 

These domain-specific challenges and opportunities suggest the need for a specialized community of researchers working at the intersection of AI, data mining, and computing education research. The goal of this Educational Data Mining for Computer Science Education (CSEDM) is to bring this community together to share insights for supporting and understanding learning in the domain of CS using data. This field is nascent but growing, with research in computing education increasingly using data analysis approaches and researchers in the EDM community increasingly studying CS datasets. This workshop will help these researchers learn from each other and develop the growing sub-field of CSEDM.

Topics of interest

Submission Guidelines

Main presentations for papers will be in-person.

We invite you to submit your original work for presentation and discussion. There will be two types of submissions:

Note: You will select your submission type on easychair.

Blinding: All submitted papers should be carefully blinded for review. Take care to remove all authors' names and identifying information (e.g. grant numbers), and refer to any of your prior work in the third person (e.g. "Previously, Smith et al. did ... [1]" rather than "In our prior work [1]").

*Note: references do not count towards the page limit. Authors can also include appendices to more clearly describe datasets and tools if necessary, and these do not count toward the page limit.

All submissions must be formatted using the EDM proceedings format.

Submissions are handled via EasyChair:

Important Dates


CSEDM proceedings will be published online via CEURCSEDM proceedings should be considered semi-archival.  This means that the papers are peer-reviewed, published and citable, but are still appropriate to extend for submission elsewhere. This is similar to the status of CHI extended abstracts. Some venues may expect that work published in a workshop should be revised before republication in a conference or journal, and we expect this should be straightforward to do with feedback you get by presenting at CSEDM. For example, ACM conferences expect an extension of 25%. Authors retain the copyright to their work when published through CEUR at CSEDM.