
My mathematical interests lie, broadly speaking, in algebraic combinatorics. Specially in using combinatoric tools to build bridges between combinatorics, geometry, and representation theory. Currently, I am studying ideals coming from Springer Fibers which are a subvariety of the Flag Variety that are parametrized by partitions.

During my undergraduate years, I conducted research on the posets associated with cancellative monoids and their associated Möbius and zeta functions and have since then thought about monops coming from these structures and extending the theory to the case coming from rigid species.

As an undergraduate I also applied multivariable analysis techniques like Canonical Biplot  and Cluster analysis to study the "preparedness" of the Ecuadorian public health system to the COVID-19 crisis.


Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings




Research Talks

Outreach Talks

*For a more updated list, check my CV.