Cristina Sabando Alvarez

About me

I am a  PhD candidate in Mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis with an interest in algebraic combinatorics working under Martha Precup

I received a masters degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 2022 and a bachelors degree in Mathematics from Yachay Tech University in 2020 for which I wrote an undergraduate thesis under the guidance of Miguel Mendez

Together with Cesar Meza, we run The Fireside Chats at the Department of Mathematics at WashU. I regularly attend, and help organize, the WashU Combinatorics Seminar.

At WashU, I am also a McDonnell Global Scholar.

You can find a copy of my CV here.

*My full last name is Sabando Alvarez according to the Latin American tradition. I was born and raised in Portoviejo, Ecuador.


Cupples I, Room 15

 WUSTL Dept. of Mathematics
Email: "sabandoalvarez" [at] "wustl " [dot] "edu"