More Proportional Control
Now, instead of adjusting just one wheel, we can make a quicker correction by adjusting both motor speeds. We increase power to one motor, while simultaneously decreasing power to the other.
The basic formula is:
- Determine how far off from our target we are.
- Multiply that value by the Kp value
- Add/subtract the new value to/from both motors, depending on whether the robot is too close/far from the wall.
Adjusting Both Wheels
Here we are now adjusting both wheel using the given formula.
Here is an excerpt from our code
void followWallBeta() {
long error;
while (digitalRead(LineSensor)==HIGH) { //this loop will end as soon as a black line is detected
long pingTime = ping();
if (pingTime!=0) {
currentPingDistance = microsecondsToCentimeters(pingTime); //distance
error = wallDistance-currentPingDistance; //error
rightMotorSpeed=rightMotorDefaultSpeed+(Kp*error); //right motor correction
leftMotorSpeed=leftMotorDefaultSpeed-(Kp*error); //left motor correction; notice the - sign
} if (pingTime==0) {
rightMotorSpeed=0; //this stops the right motor if the wall is lost (>~300cm)
} //as a result, the robot will swing toward the wall, hopefully.
if (useSave) saveData(useSave);
currentMenu = draw; //returns to main menu
Below are a collection of graphs and videos of a few trails that we did.
Note: In some cases, we removed the data after our robot lost the wall, so that all charts were the same scale, and to show it was performing before it lost the wall.

A closer look at the above data before it went off course

A closer look at before the robot went off course.

Video unavailable.
A closer look at the above data
After some further experiments, we decided on trying some lower Kp values. These values seemed to work better in a sense that they followed the wall for a greater amount of time. However, they tended to wander in a much wider range.
As the Kp value gets lower, the robot wanders more.
From above, we found that the robot performed best with a Kp value of about 3. This was expected; because both motors are now adjusting, the robot corrects twice as fast. Therefore, the Kp value should be about half of what it was from the one wheel experiment.