Lab 3
OLED Panel
The OLED panel has been mounted and a menu has been programmed. The dot represents which menu item is currently selected.
SD Card
With the SD card mounted and plugged into the SPI port, we were able to save data of readings from the sensors. Initially we saved the data into simple text files but later on, we made the data save into .csv files so we can easily access the data through Microsoft Excel.
A snippet of the data we save into the Micro SD card. All the data comes from the sensor readings.
Ping Sensor
With the Ping sensor mounted, we made sure to calibrate it correctly by taking readings of the distance between the ping sensor and a wall and then log it into the SD card. We started off by logging in the data at 5cm increments until we reached 100cm. After the 100cm mark, we took readings at increments of 10cm up until we reached 200cm. After looking through all the data, we were happy with the results and concluded the ping sensor was working properly and measured the distance really well.
Here is a scatter plot of our ping sensor’s actual reading vs. It’s expected value. It was fairly consistent.