Chapter 10: Work and Wealth

In The Maze Runner, there were not many specific instances that focused on how information technology and automation affects the workplace; however, the movie did include systems of work and hierarchy.

Since there was no economic system in place in the Glades, every member was expected to do their part, as indicated by one of the three rules stated by Alby. They all worked according to their skills and abilities. The monthly packages did not provide enough food and supplies, so growing plants and harvesting materials were crucial to their survival. Thankfully, the Glades was a large patch of grassy land that offered lots of resources. Although there was no monetary gain for the individuals, there was communal gain that came out of everyone's efforts, i.e. food, housing, weapons, etc.

Hierarchy inside the Glades was not determined based off of skill levels, but instead, time spent in the Glades. This explains why Alby was considered to be the leader; he was the first to arrive. Not only is Alby the most experienced, he is one of the most caring and personable members, which may be why the other members never opposed his role.

The formation of W.C.K.D. may have produced jobs due to the need for automation for the mazes and labs. This organization had the wealth and power to construct all of the mazes, labs, and other buildings as well as to hire various people to perform the tasks that needed to be done. The structures had to built by somehow, most likely by machines that were invented by people. For example, the mazes were likely built via 3D concrete printers, which can cost anywhere from $180k to over $1m according to today's numbers [1]. Considering the scale of the mazes, W.C.K.D. definitely had to spend millions, if not, billions for the constructions of the mazes alone. Although there was no real indication of monetary value, we can assume that W.C.K.D. was definitely the highest in terms of hierarchy with Ava Paige being at the very top.


[1] Cherdo, Ludivine. “Ultimate Guide to Construction 3D Printers in 2020.” Aniwaa, 24 Apr. 2020,