Practical Information


  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica): the talks from February 19 to February 21, will be in this building in Room 1, on the level floor).
  • Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura): the opening cerimony and talks on February 18, will be in this building, in the "Aula Magna Oliveri", on the level floor.

The Welcome Party/Registration on February 17 will also be in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, in the "Sala Consiglio" on the first floor.

The Excursion on February 19 will start from Piazza Stesicoro (pinpointed in yellow on the map). Be there at 19:00.

The visit to the monastery ("Monastero dei Benedettini") on February 20 will start at 19:00. We will meet at 18:45 in front of the monastery, which is flagged in green on the map.

Arriving by plane:

The city center is connected to the airport via the Alibus, which leaves every 25 minutes just outside the arrivals area of the Catania Airport. A one way ticket costs 4 Euros and can be bought from the driver. The Alibus stops at the train station and at major locations throughout the city center.

Arriving by train:

There is a metro station (Giovanni XXIII) just outside the train station. A 90 minute ticket costs 1 Euro and a day pass can be bought for 2 Euros from the automatic machines inside the station. The closest stop to the conference venue is "Milo"; after getting out of the subway, take the shuttle bus stopping in front of the Milo metro station and get off at the stop named "Cittadella Universitaria Est". The bus is free as long as you have a valid metro ticket.

Nearby restaurants (see the map for the locations):

(Note: most of these places don't accept credit cards)

  • The engineering cafeteria is probably the closest spot to have lunch.
  • "La Pasticceria" is a favorite lunch spot of both department members and visitors.
  • The CUS (University Sports Centre) cafeteria has sandwiches.
  • "Al Pesce Cotto" is a good and affordable (albeit a bit cramped) fish restaurant, located about one kilometer and a half from our department. Try their "pescestocco alla messinese" (Messina style dried codfish).


Bed and Breakfast:
