
Semester 1 slides:

First session 30.09.19 - (PASS2 - Intro)

We talked about second year modules and what to expect from them.

PASS 2 - Introduction

CV Workshop - 07.10.19

We talked about the Dos and Don'ts when making a CV

PASS2 - CV Workshop

Interviews - 14.10.19

We covered the types of interviews you might get and what would you expect from them, and some tips on some of them.

PASS2 - Interviews

Technical Interview Workshop - 21.10.19

We discussed some of the most common questions asked in interviews, then we showed how would you approach a technical whiteboard question and how to think aloud.

PASS 2 - Technical interview workshop

Common Data Structures - 04.11.19

PASS2 - Cracking the Coding Interview Episode 1: Common Data Structures

Graphs + Trees - 11.11.19

PASS2 Cracking the coding interview Episode 2: Trees + Graphs

Recursion - 18.11.19

PASS2: Cracking The Coding Interview Episode 3: Recursion

Semester 2 Module Selection - 27.01.2020

PASS2 - Semester 2

Haven't found a placement yet? - 03.02.2020

PASS2 - Haven't Found a placement/internship

How to Git Gud - 10.02.2020

PASS2: Git

Spring Demystified - 17.02.2020

Spring workshop