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Please register for a free 2 hour session on SAT preparation strategies scheduled on Sunday 02/10 2:00 to 4:00 pm.

There are two SAT tests coming up in near future. May 4, 2019 and June 1, 2019.

For May 4, 2019

Classes from Feb, 16, 2019 - April 27, 2019, (Holiday on April 20)

For June 1, 2019

Classes from March 16, 2019 - May 25, 2019, (Holiday on April 20)

Please send your inquiries for the registration at

Perfect Your Score

We use 25+ years of Math teaching experience to your advantage to target a perfect score.

We invite you to attend our FREE 2 Hour Session to know our unique approach to learning, TEN secrets to achieve perfect score, NMSQT scholarship, common SAT traps, tips, and techniques, program description, pricing etc. We answer all questions during this session so that you can take an important, informed, and intelligent decision.

"Let the student work to develop their mastery over every skill and question given in The Official SAT Study Guide in a supportive classroom environment. Let your Coach supplement other skills from the library of SAT Math books for you." Head Coach.

Meet the Managing Visionary Team

Nanik Lahori

Nanik Lahori was a professor of Mathematics before coming to the USA in 1978. He taught Mathematics at the University of Maryland.

He has a great passion for teaching, started his training center in the heart of Bethesda, MD in 1994 and helped many students achieve SAT perfect score in Math.

He possesses Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Master’s degree in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University. He is a professional certified Life Coach.

Pooja Butani

Mrs. Butani graduated from the Academy of Holy Cross in 2001. She joined and then graduated from The George Washington University in 2005, with a degree in Psychology. After some experience in social work, she pursued her interest in teaching. She graduated from Loyola University in Maryland and received her Master’s of Arts degree in Teaching in 2010.

She has a great passion for teaching and has many years of teaching experience, always striving for excellence. She is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer.

Our coaches are qualified,experienced Math teachers trained in our methodology to help attain the highest potential leading to perfect score.