Element Leadership

For more information about our company, please visit our website- www.elementleadershipgroup.com.

Email info@elementleadershipgroup.com if you are interested in signing up for these weekly classes!

The Element Leadership Group was founded in 2017 with the goal of bringing mind management practices to help individuals bring more efficiency and effectiveness into their environments.

Our various workshops focus on influencing change through mind management and altering thought patterns. Learn to free yourself from the limitations of negative thinking and overcome unimaginable challenges. Learn to bring balance to your mind and develop the tools to execute results with efficiency.

Our teen and adult workshops have become very popular in the Northern Virginia community. Giving everyone a sense of identity and self confidence, Element Leadership Group hopes to empower individuals to find their element.

Beginning September, Element Leadership Group will offer weekly ABCD (American Born Cultured Desi) workshops for teens and Meditation & Stress Management classes for Adults as a part of the CLC program.