H.O.D' s Desk

Dr. Abhisek Saha


Department of Geography



Nodal Center: Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, EDUSAT Programme

Contact No: 8348947229

Email: geo.crpm20@gmail.com

Welcome to the Department of Geography at Chatra Ramai Pandit Mahavidyalaya. It started teaching BA general degree and honours course since 2000 and 2003 respectively. Currently it has 5 faculty members. Over the years the Department has carved out an independent space within the Institute by offering a Bachelor Degree (Honours & Programme) with CBCS curriculum. The department has all the latest equipment with proper laboratory for practical exercises. This Department has regularly organized several field trips and excursions every year. Students are also encouraged to participate in seminars, workshops, conferences, symposiums etc.

This website provides an overview of the academic programs, research activities of our department, research facilities, profiles of faculty members, and details of student activities. We hope that whether you are a prospective undergraduate or graduate student, or work in industry, or another university, or a visitor, you will find this website to be informative.

If you have further questions after browsing this website, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may also correspond with individual faculty members, or contact them by email, using the addresses shown on the faculty pages. Our department looks forward to contribute in solving the technological challenges of the society with active participation from all sections of the society. Thank you for visiting us.

Best wishes,

Abhisek Saha, PhD

Head of the Department and Assistant Professor,

Department of Geography



Nodal Center: Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, EDUSAT Programme