Dr. Abhisek Saha

Assistant Professor & Head of the Department



Nodal Center: Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, EDUSAT Programme

Dr. Abhisek Saha

Assistant Professor & Head

Department of Geography             

Chatra Ramai Pandit Mahavidyalaya

Darapur, Kotulpur, Bankura- 722141

West Bengal, India.

Cell Phone No.-+91-8348947229.

Email id: abhiseksaha2014@gmail.com, profdrasahageo20@yahoo.com

ResearchGate (Dr. Abhisek Saha)

Orcid (Dr. Abhisek Saha) 

Google Scholar (Dr. Abhisek Saha) 

Linkedln (Dr. Abhisek Saha) 

Web of Science (Dr. Abhisek Saha) 

Vidwan (Dr. Abhisek Saha)