April 20-24


April 22

Writing Lesson: Earth Day

Writing Assignment:

I can reduce by _________.

I can reuse _________.

I can recycle _________.

Reflex Math (20 min) or

Prodigy Math (20 min)

Phonics Lesson: Variant Vowel U Part 2.

*If you would like you can print this word search off and color in the words that you find!*


April 23

Prodigy Math (20 Minutes)

Lexia (20 minutes)

Raz-Kids (20 minutes)

Double Digit Subtraction Math Lesson Part 2

Assignment: Go Math Page 167 or use the page at the bottom!


April 24

Science Lesson: Things in the Sky


  1. Draw or write what you can see in the sky during the day.

  2. Draw or write what you can see in the sky during the night.

Lexia (Finish your minutes)

Raz-Kids (20 minutes)

Reflex Math (20 min) or

Prodigy Math (20 min)