The sidebar (which can be toggled on and off), houses some additional settings for your cropped image. Next to the target format, you can change the filename, set the DPI, and for JPG and PNG images, you can also set the desired image quality. The latter can have an impact on the file size of your image. The lower the quality, the smaller the file.

With Img2Go, you can crop your images and photos for Instagram, Facebook, uploading it somewhere else or sending it to your friends and family from basically anywhere. All you need is a working internet connection. With Img2Go you can crop photo and image files on the go!

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Prior behavior: I would drag the crop tool over an image to select the cropped area, and before I committed to that selection I could move any side of the overlaid crop box independently to fine tune the area.

If i un-check Classic Mode, then I can drag any side independently but the underlying image shifts around to keep the crop area centered on the screen. I find this very annoying almost to the point of inducing nausea.

The crop tool seems not to work properly. In any other program I have I can select the crop tool and select the area of the canvas I want to crop to the image. This is extremely important and efficient way of cropping an image just the way I want it. Done in 5 seconds. 

In other tools I can also preset the size of the crop tool then move it around the canvas before deciding where I want the final image and canvas to be cut.

In affinity whenever I grab the crop tool and attempt to drag across the canvas the image moves. why would I want the image to move across the canvas with a cropping tool?????

It seems I have to guess what size I want the document to be, resize the doc and hope it didnt cut the image where I wanted to keep it. If it didnt resize where I wanted I have to undo, move the image and try again. this is terrible.

I saw some video that suggests the cropping tool isn't really for cropping but instead its a non-destructively way of popping an image into a bounding box. we call that masking in other applications not cropping. An alternate way of putting an image into a preset box is to copy image and paste into the box. Said image can then still be moved around. Again, not called cropping.

Cropping is selecting and cutting.

I hope fixing this crop tool and having it actually do what it should do is on the map. As it is I have to do twice the work to get the same result I can get in 5 seconds in any other program. Its actually so much of a pain that I have to keep going back to other programs when my goal has been to port my work to affinity. So far, keep running into stumbling blocks like this. 

Love you affinity. But should not be this hard to do such simple things. A great application makes your job easier. Not harder.

Are you talking about Affinity Photo or Affinity Designer? Designer doesn't have a document based crop tool but Photo does. It allows setting the size of the crop & dragging it around in the image. If you are having trouble with this, it may help to review the different crop modes available, like in -US.lproj/pages/SizeTransform/cropping.html & to watch the several video tutorials at -official-affinity-photo-desktop-video-tutorials-200/ in the Transforming section.

In Photo crop tool behaves quite normally, canvas does not move. Only differences to PS are that outside area is not darkened, crop to size is not yet available and crop is non-destructive (you can un-crop image as you will). And oh yes, un-cropping reminds; you can add canvas area with crop tool.

Hi dizeyner,

I'm not sure i understood you. What do you mean by the image moves? Can you record a short clip of it happening? Both cases you describe in the first two paragraphs can be performed without issues (see clip below an example of the first case). Am i missing something? If you are using Affinity Designer then the crop tool is object based (not document based as in Photo) and the image/object is simply masked with a rectangular vector shape - you have to drag the bounding box handles to crop it. This is by design as the intended use of the apps is different.

Designer in default, document mode is a 'page layout program'. A bit like a single page version of Quark, InDesign or even (at a stretch) Word. In that case it works exactly like every other page layout program. You create pages and place objects on the page, then print it out, maybe with bleed and crop marks. You cannot trim Word or Quark pages to an image placed on the page!

If you want to create a canvas type document, that you can then crop to a single image you need to either use Photo, which is designed for that sort of thing, which is why it has a canvas crop tool. That works pretty much exactly like any other image editing program. The crop tool crops, you have preset aspect ratios, can enter a size etc. Drag and crop!

I get what you are saying. but most design is not done for print. I would expect affinity publisher to behave like word or quark. I would expect a design tool to behave like a multimedia (not print) design tool. Im used to doing things fast and changing the size of the artboard, page or what-have-you quickly is a plus. why would I use a photo adjustment tool to create vector art?

The crop tool seems not to work properly. In any other program I have I can select the crop tool and select the area of the canvas I want to crop to the image... Done in 5 seconds. 

In affinity [Designer] whenever I grab the crop tool and attempt to drag across the canvas the image moves. why would I want the image to move across the canvas with a cropping tool?????

Not sure how any of the explanations and comparison, for example the Designer advantages over Quark (how is that a respectable comparison after the garbage that app turned into boggles the mind?), but if the tool is called crop, then why on earth, does it not crop??

Forget the off topic comparisons, it seems the crop tool does not do what it is incorrectly named to do, crop. If I want to _crop_ in Affinity Designer, with the tool named "Crop", then why should I not expect it to crop? What is the advantage, use, purpose, benefit, need to drag an image around the screen or pasteboard, or artboard, when there is an aptly named Move tool for that expected and well understood purpose?

Can I have a functioning tool that crops and not some function I am still not clear on when I don't care if its vector, raster, or whatever. There is a tool in Affinity Designer named Crop. What it does is not what I expect, because, crop, by definition, means _cut_.

Hi Juanjo Haro,

Welcome to Affinity Forums 

As i explained above the vector crop tool is Affinity Designer is object based - is that the app you app you are using? It works by masking the object with a vector shape so you can still recover parts of it if needed. If exported only the visible part should be exported (not the hidden parts/whole object). How are you exporting the object? Are you using the Export command, the Export Persona? Can you give us more details about what you are doing please? A screenshot with the Layers panel visible and the object selected would help. Thanks.

No constraints at the side of the image and no way to select the actual side of the image because the selection is hovering over it. It resizes the canvas if the selection is over the image. What the heck is this? Are you kidding me? Worst functionality of a cropping tool I've ever seen.

No select+drag to constrain to a square.

Can't escape to unselect.

Can't use the marquee selection tool to crop.

Any plans to make the crop tool actually functional in the future?

Affinity Photo cropping is doing my head in. Here's what we currently do dozens of times a day in Photoshop. Open an image, set a width and a resolution in the crop tool. Leave the height blank. Draw our unconstrained crop box. Double click in the middle to crop. A few seconds, max.

I can't believe at version 1.9.2 the crop tool - one of the true fundamentals of photo editing - is so pathetic. I'll happily apologise if I've missed something and someone can explain how to do these things. This should be simple!

Maybe the crop tool needs some improvements, but I can't see how your example takes that much longer in Affinity. Enter the width and just ignore the height. You can move the crop wherever you want on the image and edit the height by using the appropriate handles for it. Doesn't really take longer than drawing your crop onto the image.

You can't ignore the height, you must enter a value if you want to use centimetres. The ONLY way you can have unconstrained crop is using pixels. It's annoying given all other measurements (rulers, transform etc) are all in Cms. It makes no sense to use multiple units when the user has chosen the one they want.

Every time I load in a new picture to edit it I go to the crop tool. About 95% of the time I want to crop in the same ratio that I took the photo in. I have to think that most people are doing the best they can to frame there photos the way they want them to be. Also there is no use working in free mode as default because it does not relate to printing. It only makes sense to me that the default operation of the crop tool should be set to the ratio that the document is when loaded.

If you're composing in camera, and especially if you want to keep the same ratio, why do you need to crop at all. Can't you simply resize (Document > Resize Document...) to the desired size before export, or specify the new size during File > Export? e24fc04721


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