Social & Cultural Sciences
Marquette University

CRLS 3660 Course Project Site: 

Sexual Offenses & Offenders 

The Course

Sexual Offenses & Offenders is an interdisciplinary course offered in the Department of Social & Cultural Sciences at Marquette University. The course addresses sexual violence from an intersectional lens, attending to issues of gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, class, ability and how identity shapes experiences with social systems and state structures.  The course provides students with up-to-date writing and research on sexual violence from academics, activists, artists, and independent scholars. The goal of the course is to integrate the empirical with the experiential, while paying special attention to student's personal and academic development.

Digital Scholarship Projects

Students are asked to create digital scholarship projects during the semester. The purpose of the project is to examine the academic literature on a topic related to sexual violence, collect original data on the topic using a method of social science (e.g., interviewing, archival work, fieldwork, surveys) and/or personal artistic expression, and create a digital presentation that presents an analysis from multiple sources of evidence. Accompanied by a written paper, the digital project format is designed to communicate basic content and engage intended audiences with information in an effective interface. 


Heather Hlavka (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor
for more information on course content
and digital scholarship student projects.