Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage

Research Group of Dr. Chinmoy Ranjan

Our group does researh in the area of electrochemical energy conversion and storage. We focus on fundamental studies using in situ and operando techniques to solve chemical bottlenecks in industrially relevant electrochemical systems

 Lab Address:  CG16, Chemical Sciences Building, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry at the  Indian Institute of Science


16th April 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Vipin Kamboj for successful defense of this PhD thesis.

Feb 23

Congratulations to Vipin for getting the MRS Singapore Best Poster Award at the Asian Conference on  Solid State Ionics (ACSSI 24) held at Chennai 18 - 22nd FEB 2024

Dec 2022

Congratulations to Bapuji for getting the Best Poster Award  at the Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources 11 (ACEPS’11) held at National University of Singapore, Singapore from 11th-14th Dec. 2022. 

NOV 2022:

Congratulations to Sekhar for winning the best poster award at CACEE-2022 that took place in TIFR, Mumbai between Oct. 31 and Nov. 4, 2022. 

Nov. 2022: 

Congratulations to Sekhar Biswal for winning the RSC Best Poster Prize at the 7th Ertl Symposium held in Gwangju, South Korea during October 25-28, 2022. 

Latest News:

DEC 22: Group attended the ACEPS11 confernce in Singapore 

DEC 22: Vipin gave an oral presentation of his work on enabling CO2 electroreduction on Ni-YSZ type solid oxide electrodes.

NOV 22: Group attended the CACEE 2022 conference at TIFR Mumbai. Chinmoy gave an invited talk. Sekhar, Vipin and Bapuji presented posters. 

NOV 22: Sekhar's presentation on electrocatalysts for supressing H2O2 production in ORR was selected for Oral presentation amongsts 150 participants. Congratulations Sekhar!

OCt 22: Sekhar and Vipin presented posters at the 7th Ertl Symposium in South Korea. 

Oct 22: Sekhar was awarded Best Poster Award at the 7th Ertl Symposium in South Korea. Congratulations Sekhar. Congratulations Sekhar!

Oct 22: Sekhar was awarded Digital Presentation at 7th Ertl Symposium in South Korea. Congratulations Sekhar!

OCt 22: Veenu presented her poster on Formic Acid Oxidation at NANOMAT confernce in Barcelona, Spain. 

Sept 22: Chinmoy presented poster on CO2 electrolysis work at the prestigious Gordon Research Conference in Ventura, California, USA

Aug 22: Vipin presented at the ACS annual meeting in Chicago

May 22: Vipin presened his work on Ni-YSZ electrodes at the 241st ECS meeting at Vancouver, Canada. Vipin won the ECS student travel award. Congratulations Vipin