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Manuel Echeverría.  Social scientist specialised in Economics, and Game Theory.


Artwork: Transitions in Art - Artificial Intelligence Perspective

GameTheory F1 (WPress Version).pdf

Discusses universal solver for game theory from the perspective of a Machiavellian ruler.  1000s games solved to test hypotheses.

Topics: Static Nash Equilibria vs dynamics; nr. solutions & their character.

Data here

IPT - Reality Check (2021-11-25).pdf

Evidence indicates that even erratic polarisation in media conforms to the demands of those in power. Categorical claims of left-wing bias in general, public service in particular, remain unsound

IPT Method (2021-11-21).pdf

This scheme deals with configurations of unknown complexity. Moreover, the algorithm allows for arbitrary or inconsistent rules. In the end a probability measure reflecting the usefulness of the method is given regardless. This paper also gives probabilistic accounting perspectives.

IPT+ (2021-06-11).pdf

There are two sets of seemingly irreconcilable results indicating a fundamental problem in the social sciences and humanities. Previous research over the past decades shows that journalism is homogenous or obedient in favour of those in power. In contrast, results in experimental psychology suggest that polarisation should be prevalent in settings corresponding to those confronted by journalists. This paper proposes a parsimonious solution.

Echeverría Footnote1.pdf

As a rule of thumb, it was far more likely for a person 2011-2016 to suffer severe trauma as a victim of space debris, than the proposition that journalism on Assange was accurate or anti-establishment.

WikiLeaks' Unforgivable Liberalism.pdf

One of the more spectacular findings is the prevalence of fact-resistant behavior among journalist and experts. Associated bias gave rise to a wide range of remarkable empirical regularities. The most intriguing of these are fractal patterns in data.


Surveillance, hierarchy and bureaucracy emerge as a consequence of strategic interaction e.g. local competition over one source. Wealthy or ‘small’ organisations can afford idealism and an egalitarian structure. Such organisations are free to choose the management which best suits their needs or even work in a completely flat organisation if they want to. Such solipsism is however not attainable in all environments

'The usefulness of biology in the social sciences is contained in a set limited by a particular kind of redundancy and fiction'

The Bullshit Conspiracy (Echeverría, 2021-03-29).pdf

It is as if different persons wrote Bullshit Jobs (Graeber, 2019), but failed to communicate properly. Vintage smash-and-grab of work from leftists who are not themselves impostors. I develop an alternative and discuss a theory of society in view of constructive criticism of economics.

The Cambridge Conspiracy 1.0.pdf

Although some may consider subsequent results unexpected and unrealistic, facts seem to be stranger than fiction as usual.

On The Limits of Human Nature - Filth & Smålands.pdf

Discussion of human nature and the problem of evil is superficial. It is within the realm of possibilities with good humans, in systems with evil outcomes. It is also conceivable with evil humans, acting in systems which make them behave as if they are good.  


My scientific undertaking encompasses a broad spectrum of topics which I regard as fundamental in the study of society. These include theoretical and empirical examination of the political economy of media; fact resistance; the theory and definition of bullshit jobs; homogeneity and non-cooperative perspectives on the theory of the firm; theory of education and contracts; statistical perspectives on accounting; universal solvers for games; algorithms for text analysis to discuss how social and political incentives govern journalism; theory of conspiracy theories; the theory of power; and popular science on the nature of money.

A recurrent theme is how individuals become bearers of social relations guiding their actions. My way of discussing fundamental topics aims to give clear-cut theoretical or empirical results. Without disregarding data I think such stance is plausible in view of broader epistemological considerations. For instance, the need for simplification is not only a quirk of theorists, but also decisionmakers; economic theory is part of the mindset of decision makers at the top who shape institutions by design; and multiplicity of equilibria can be regarded as a source of confusion but also the building blocks of institutions, especially in view of the aforementioned.

Because of the centrality of the topics, my perspectives have more often than not challenged status-quo conceptions. For example, my thesis paper on education challenges neoclassical notions of a direct relationship between effort, talent/productivity and output. I propose from a small set, arguably natural assumptions, that this relationship is but a special case in a much richer set of possibilities spanned from decisions embedded in a social fabric. Even minimal and idealised requirements on what education is renders optimistic expectations on privatisation unrealistic. It also presents challenges to public-private partnerships, to deal with externalities, as conceived in the tradition of Nobel laureate Oliver Hart.  

I also argued against major academic trends concerning fact resistance, by insisting that it is a phenomenon which (a) is found in elite institutions not only outsiders (b) is not primarily explained by individual biological or even psychological disposition, e.g. specific cognitive biases, as such propositions would imply incredible statistical anomalies. However, such approaches remain relevant in special cases.

My work is completely independent to the extent I think it is unfortunate, especially in instances where I sought to include others, but I look forward to cooperation in the future. My productivity has accelerated tremendously since I began as an independent researcher. I rebooted conventional writing in 2017 by writing a book, on spare time while working, in about a year. Most of my papers are written after 2018 under rather disadvantageous conditions. I coded a database and search engine more accurate than the leading, somewhat flawed, research database for news items in a couple of weeks. Likewise, a solver for finite static games was written at the outset of my current project starting April 2022.

My current work departs from universal solvers for Game Theory. The main result in the first draft Footnote 1 on the Foundations of Game Theory, at the end of the paper, is a take which diverges considerably from previous literature on the matter.

For an assessment of the scientific and pedagogical merits of my code, in view of alternatives, please navigate to Pedagogical Outlook and read the appendix 

Vladimir Tatlin Constructivist interpretation of The Tower of Babel 

NATO Without Reason 1.0 2022-05-16.pdf

This paper dismantles the main arguments for Swedish NATO membership from the most illustrious advocates. None of the conclusions in favour of NATO presented by the Government in the May 13 report survive scrutiny.

Arguments should be considered in relation to Common Sense I-III

KapitaletsVäldigaKropp (2023-03-15).pdf


En studie som slår undan premisserna för de senaste decenniernas politiska debatt: ”Vi har inte råd”; ”vi får inte p.g.a. kapitalflykt/inflationstvång”; ”bara mindre avsteg från statsbudgeten är möjliga”. 

Nyckelord: Kapital; Bolagsstrategi; Ekonomi; Elbolag; Deskriptiv statistik; Pop

KMK2 (2023-04-11).pdf


Den ekonomiska teorin som dominerar den högre förvaltningen och akademin världen över är felaktig från grunden. Hur och varför förklaras med fokus på pengarnas roll i samhällsekonomin. Statsskulden kan strykas, så länge utländsk valuta förblir en obetydlig del av lånen & reformer är aldrig skattefinansierade.