
As sessile organisms, plants engage in mutualistic interactions with pollinators and frugivores to disperse their propagules and the genes they encapsulate. These biotic interactions have profound consequences in determining the level of genetic diversity and the dynamics of plant populations, as well as in triggering natural forest regeneration. Yet, we still ignore the long-term consequences of losing dispersal ability for plants. By combining genomic resources (SSRs, SNPs, and metagenomics), advanced statistical tools (demographic inference from genomic data obtained based on ABC models) and network and eco-evolutionary models, my research has critically advanced our understanding of the overlooked role of dispersal in determining the chances of plants to persist in a changing world, as pollinators and frugivores disappear from their native ranges.

Research Projects

Hidden histories NERC-AHRC 2021 Uncovering hidden histories of trade, enslavement, and environmental science through Liverpool. Budget: £ 5,000. PI: Cristina García. CoPI's: Sarah Arens (St. Andrews University, UK); Samuel Solnick (University of Liverpool), Chris Pearson (University of Liverpool).

SPONFOREST Unraveling the potential of SPONtaneous FORest ESTablishment for improving ecosystem functions and services in dynamic landscapes BiodivERsA3-2015-58 EU-H2020. Budget: €1 190 493. CoPI's: Arndt Hampe (INRA, France); Cristina García (CIBIO/InBIO, Portugal), Fernando Valladares (MHN-CSIC Spain), JM Espelta (CREAF, Spain), Georg Winkel (Finland), Frank Schurr (Germany).

Royal Society Exchange Grant NMG\R1\201032 in collaboration with Dr Mathias Pires (University of Campinas, Brazil) to model the consequences of disrupting the dispersal ability of organisms. Budget £11 900 (2020-2022).

University of Liverpool ODA Research Seed Fund (2018-2020) Development of genomic resources for key edible palm species to secure resilient agro-ecosystems in Brazil £10 000. In collaboration with Dra Carolina Da Silva Carvalho (University of São Paulo).

PLANTSHIFTS PTDC/BIA-BIC/5223/2016 Fine-scale characterisation of dispersal kernels to predict range shifts in the Anthropocene Funding agency: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)(Portugal). Budget: €106 381 for 3 years (2016-2019).

EXPANDTREE FCT-ANR/BIA-BIC/0010/2013 Spatio-temporal colonization patterns in expanding tree populations: an integrated genetic and genomic approach Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) - L’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France). Budget: €159 580 In collaboration with Dr Etienne Klein (INRA, France)

GENETWORKS PTDC-BIA-EC-116521-2012 Genetic connectivity networks and colonization dynamics in chronic fragmented landscapes: an integrated spatio-temporal approach Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Budget: €109 281


WATERZOO Plant dispersal by acuatic animals across Europe: its role in the establishment of plant populations and connectivity across Europe PID2020-112774GB-I00 Spanish Research Council, Spain. Budget: 190K € PI: Alfredo Valido (IPNA-CSIC). Team members: Yoko L. Dupont (University of Aarhus, Denmark), Cristina García (University of Liverpool)

IMPACTDEFAUNATION Ecological consequences of Anthropic Defaunation on islands IPGC2018-099772-B-I00. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain. Budget: 190K € PI: Alfredo Valido (IPNA-CSIC). Team members: Yoko L. Dupont (University of Aarhus, Denmark), Cristina García (University of Liverpool)

COMEDIAS Understanding the Mediterranean forest: expansion and sustainability under global change scenarios CGL2017-83170-R Funding agency: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain). Budget: €198 794. PI: Fernando Valladares Ros (MNCN-CSIC). 2018-2021

BIOCLIM Bioclimatic niche and plant community dynamics in response to climate change Funding agency: MINECO (Ministerio de Economía, Ciencia, Competitividad, Spain). Budget: €193 600. PI: Prof. Francisco Lloret Maya. 2016-2019

DISTMULTLAYER Seed dispersal by animal frugivorous and area expansion in plants: a multilayer approach (2018-2021) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (EBD-CSIC, Spain). Budget: €117 125. PI: Pedro Jordano (EBD-CSIC)

EnvMetaGen Capacity Building at CIBIO/InBIO for Research and Innovation Using Environmental Metagenomics Coordination and support actions, WIDESPREAD 2-2014 (ERA CHAIRS), Budget: 2.5 M €, PI. Prof. Pedro Beja. 2015-2019

MUTUALEXTINCT Long distance dispersal by animals and population connectivity of insular plants: mutualism extinctions and its consequences Funded by MICINN (Science and Technology Department, Spain). Budget: €187 251. PI: Prof. Pedro Jordano, Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC. Team members: Alfredo Valido, Néstor Fernández, Cristina García.

FORASSEMBLY Ensamblaje de la comunidad de leñosas dispersadas por vertebrados en los nuevos bosques ibéricos: efectos del nicho, del paisaje y del comportamiento de los dispersores Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity. Budget: €114 K. PI: Joan Pino & Josep Espelta (CREAF, Barcelona, Spain) 2015-2018