41 Ana González Robles; Cristina García, Teresa Salido, Antonio J. Manzaneda; Pedro J. Rey (2021) Extensive pollen-mediated gene flow across intensively managed landscapes in an insect-pollinated shrub native to semiarid habitats. Molecular Ecology 30, 3408-3421. DOI: 10.1111./mec15950
40 Carolina da Silva Carvalho, Cristina García, Marília Souza, Pedro Jordano, Marina Correa Cortes (2021) Extant fruit-eating birds promote genetically diverse seed rain, but disperse to fewer sites in defaunated tropical forest. Journal of Ecology 109, 1055-167. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13534.
39 Julia Cooke, Yoseph Araya, Karen L. Bacon, Joanna M. Bagniewska, Lesley Batty, Tom R. Bishop, Moya Burns, Magda Charalambous, David R. Daversa, Liam R. Dougherty, Miranda Dyson, Adam M. Fisher, Dan Forman, Cristina Garcia, Kelleigh Greene, Ewan Harney, Thomas Hesselberg, Elizabeth A John, Rob Knell, Kadmiel Maseyk, Alice L. Mauchline, Julie Peacock, Angelo P. Pernetta, Jeremy Pritchard, William J. Sutherland, Rebecca L. Thomas, Barbara Tigar, Philip Wheeler, Rachel L. White, Nicholas T. Worsfold, Zenobia Lewis Teaching and learning in ecology: a horizon scan of emerging challenges and solutions (2021) Oikos 130, 15-28. DOI: 10.1111/oik.07847
38 Carlos Vila-Viçosa, Salvador Arenas-Castro, Bruno Marcos, João Honrado, Cristina García, Francisco Maria Vázquez, Rubim Almeida, João Gonçalves (2020) Combining satellite remote sensing and climate data in species distribution models to improve the conservation of Iberian white oaks. International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (12) 735. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi9120735
37 Carlos Vila-Viçosa, João Gonçalves, João Honrado, Ângela Lomba A, Rubim Almeida, Francisco Maria Vázquez, Cristina García (2020) Quaternary range shifts of marcescent oaks unveil the dynamics of a major biogeographic transition in southern Europe. Scientific Reports 10, 21598. DOI:1038/s41598-020-78576-9
36 Cristina García, Josep María Espelta, Arndt Hampe (2020) Managing forest regeneration and expansion at a time of unprecedented global change. Journal of Applied Ecology 57, 1-4. DOI: 10.111/1365-2664.13797
35 Ana González-Robles, Antonio J. Manzaneda, Teresa Salido, Francisco Varela, Cristina García, Ana M. Fernández Ocaña, Pedro J. Rey (2020) Spatial genetic structure of a keystone long-lived semiarid shrub: historical effects prevail but do not cancel the impact of recent severe habitat loss on genetic diversity. Conservation Genetics In Press, DOI: 10.1007/s10592-020-01291-5
34 Vicente Martínez-López, Cristina García, Francisco Robledano, Vicente Zapata, Pilar De la Rúa (2020) Intercontinental long-distance seed dispersal explains the population genetic structure of a fleshy-fruited shrub across the Mediterranean basin. Molecular Ecology 29, 1408-1420, DOI: 10.111/mec.15413
33 Cristina García (2019) From ecological indicators to ecological functioning: integrative approaches to seize on ecological, climatic and socio-economic databases. Ecological Indicators, Vol 107, 105612 DOI: 10.1016/jecolind.2019.105612
32 Patricia M. Rodríguez-González, Cristina García, Antonio Albuquerque, Tiago Monteiro-Henriques, Carla Faria, Joana Guimarães, Diogo Mendoça, Fernanda Simoes, Teresa Ferreira, Ana Mendes, Jose Matos, Helena Almeida (2019) A stream-network approach assists in managing the remnant genetic diversity of riparian forests. Scientific Reports 9:6741 10.1038/s41598-019-43132-7
31 Javier Morente, Cristina García, Carlos Lara-Romero, Alfredo García-Fernández, David Draper, José María Iriondo (2018)Geography and environment shapes landscape genetics of Mediterranean alpine species Silene ciliata Poiret (Caryophyllaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 1698. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01698
30 James M. Bullock, Dries Bonte, Gesine Pufal, Carolina da Silva Carvalho, Daniel S. Chapman, Cristina García, Daniel García, Erik Matthysen, Maria Mar Delgado (2018) Human-mediated dispersal and the rewiring of spatial networks. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33, 958-970. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2018.09.008
29 Cristina García, Erwan Guichoux, Arndt Hampe (2018) A comparative analysis between SNPs and SSRs to investigate genetic variation in a juniper species Juniperus phoenicea spp. turbinata. Trees Genetics and Genomes 14:87. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-018-1301-x
28 Marjo Saastamoinen, Greta Bocedi, Julien Cote, Delphine Legrand, Frédéric Guillaume, Chris Wheat, Emanuel A. Fronhofer, Cristina Garcia, Roslyn Henry, Arild Husby, Michel Baguette, Dries Bonte, Aurélie Coulon, Hanna Kokko, Hanne De Kort, Erik Matthysen, Kristjan Niitepõld, Etsuko Nonaka, Virginie M. Stevens, Justin M.J. Travis, Kathleen Donohue, James M. Bullock & Maria del Mar Delgado (2017). Genetics of dispersal. Biological Reviews 93: 574-59910.1111/brv.12356
27 Cristina García, Luís Borda-de-Água (2017) Extended dispersal kernels in a changing world: insights from statistics of extremes. Journal of Ecology 105, 63-74. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12685 (F1000 Prime Spatial Ecology)
26 Cristina García, Etienne Klein, Pedro Jordano (2017) Dispersal processes driving plant movement: challenges for understanding and predicting range shifts in a changing world. Journal of Ecology 105, 1-5. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12705
25 Antonio Jesús Múñoz-Pajares, Cristina García, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Jordi Boch, Francisco Perfectti, Jose M. Gómez (2017) Drivers of genetic differentiation in a generalist insect-pollinated herb across spatial scales. Molecular Ecology 26 1576-1585 DOI: 10.1111/mec.13971
24 Cristina García, Raquel Vasconcelos (2017) The beauty and the beast: endemic mutualistic interactions promote community-based conservation on Socotra island. Journal for Nature Conservation 35C, 20-23, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2016.11.005
23 Zbyszek Boratynski, Francisco Javier Miranda Arias, Cristina García, Tapio Mappes, Timothy A. Mousseau, Anders Møller, Antonio Jesús Muñoz-Pajares, Marcin Piwczyński, and Eugene Tukalenko (2016) Ionizing radiation from Chernobyl affects development of wild carrot plants. Scientific reports, 6:39282 DOI: 10.10.38/srep39282
22 Javier Valverde, Jose M. Gómez, Cristina García, Tim Sharbel, MA Jiménez, Francisco Perfectti (2016) Inter-annual maintenance of the fine-scale genetic structure in a biennial plant. Scientific Reports, 6:37712 DOI: 10.1038/srep37712
21 Víctor Bello-Rodríguez, Cristina García, MJ del Arco, R Hernández-Hernández, JM González-Mancebo (2016) Spatial dynamics of expanding fragmented thermophilous forests on a Macaronesian island. Forest Ecology and Management 379, 165-172. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.08.015
20 Néstor Pérez-Méndez, Pedro Jordano, Cristina García, Alfredo Valido (2016) The signatures of Anthropocene defaunation: cascading effects of the seed dispersal collapse. Scientific Reports 6:24820, DOI: 10.1038/srep24820
19 Carlos Lara, Cristina García, Javier Morente, Jose Maria Iriondo. (2016) Direct and indirect effects of shrub encroachment on alpine grasslands mediated by plant-pollinator interactions Functional Ecology 30 1521-1530. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12637
18 Cristina García, Beatriz Rumeu, Miguel Ángel González Pérez, Pedro A. Sosa, Manuel Nogales (2016) Low fecundity in an insular juniper species: an eco-genetic mediation hypothesis. Biological Conservation 198, 70-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.03.023
17 Francisco Lloret, Cristina García (2016) Genetic inbreeding and neighbor vegetation drive drought-induced die-off within Juniperus phoenicea populations. Functional Ecology 30, 1696-1704. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12655
16 Cristina García, Escribano-Ávila G (2015) An optimized protocol to isolate high quality genomic DNA from seed tissues in non-model gymnosperm species streamlines the workflow to obtain direct estimates of seed dispersal distances. Journal of Plant Research 129 (3), 559-563, DOI: 10.1007/s10265-016-0806-3
15 Gonçalo Cardoso, Marta Cortesão, Cristina García (2015) Ecological marginalization facilitated diversification in conifers. Evolutionary Biology 42, 146-155, DOI: 10.1007/s11692-015-9306-y
14 Beatriz Rumeu, Cristina García, Nogales M. (2014) El sistema de dispersión de semillas del cedro canario (Juniperus cedrus) en el Parque Nacional del Teide: aproximación ecológica y molecular. Monografías Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente.
13 Cristina García, Eva Moracho, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, Pedro Jordano (2014) Natural regeneration and population expansion of an endozoochorous species: a spatio-temporal approach Journal of Ecology 102, 1562-1571. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12297
12 Ruben Heleno, Cristina García, Pedro Jordano, Anna Traveset, Jose M Gómez, Nico Blüthgen, Jane Memmott, Marie Moora, João Cerdeira, Susana Rodríguez-Echevarría, Helena Freitas, Jens M Olesen (2014) Ecological networks: Delving into the architecture of biodiversity Biology Letters 10, 1-3. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.1000
11 Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development, C., M. C. Arias, C. Atteke, S. C. Augusto, J. Bailey, P. Bazaga, L. B. Beheregaray, L. Benoit, R. Blatrix, C. Born, R. M. Brito, H.-k. Chen, S. Covarrubias, C. de Vega, C. Djiéto-Lordon, M.-P. Dubois, F. O. Francisco, C. García, P. H. P. Gonçalves, C. González, C. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, M. P. Hammer, C. M. Herrera, H. Itoh, S. Kamimura, H. Karaoglu, S. Kojima, S.-L. Li, H. J. Ling, P. F. Matos-Maraví, D. McKey, J. Mezui-M’Eko, J. F. Ornelas, R. F. Park, M. I. Pozo, S. Ramula, C. Rigueiro, J. Sandoval-Castillo, L. R. Santiago, M. M. Seino, C.-B. Song, H. Takeshima, A. Vasemägi, C. R. Wellings, J. Yan, D. Yu-Zhou, C.-R. Zhang, and T.-Y. Zhang. 2013. Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 February 2013–31 March 2013. Molecular Ecology Resources 13:760-762. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12121
10 Cristina García, Grivet D (2011) Molecular insights into seed dispersal mutualisms driving plant population recruitment Acta Oecologica 37, 632-640. DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2011.04.009
09 Cristina García (2011) Aplicaciones de los marcadores moleculares al estudio de los patrones de dispersión de polen en poblaciones de plantas. In: Godooy JA & Martínez-Cruz B. Aplicaciones de la genética al estudio y conservación de la vida silvestre. Consejería de Medio Ambiente Junta de Andalucía
08 Cristina García, Godoy JA, Jordano P (2010) On gene dispersal studies in complex landscapes: a reply to the comment on García et al. (2005, 2007) Molecular Ecology 18, 4536-4540. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04393.x
07 Cristina García, Jordano P, Arroyo JM, Godoy JA (2009) Maternal genetic correlations in the seed rain: effects of frugivore activity in heterogeneous landscape Journal of Ecology 97, 1424-1435 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01577.x
06 Miguel Angel Fortuna, Cristina García, Paulo Guimãraes, Jordi Bascompte (2008) Spatial mating networks in insect-pollinated plants Ecology Letters 11, 490-498. DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01167.x
05 Jordano P, García C, Godoy JA, García Castaño JL (2007) Differential contribution of frugivores to complex seed dispersal patternsProceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA 104, 3278- 3282. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0606793104
04 Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, García C (2007) Seed dispersal kernels validation by using molecular markers Molecular Ecology 16, 5098-5109. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2007.03427.x
03 García C, Jordano P, Godoy JA (2007) Contemporary pollen and seed dispersal in a Prunus mahaleb population: patterns in distance and direction Molecular Ecology 16,1947-1955. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2006.03126.x
02 García C, Jordano P, Godoy JA (2005) Mating patterns, pollen dispersal, and the ecological maternal neighbourhood in a Prunus mahaleb Molecular Ecology, 14, 1821-1830. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02542.x
01 Valladares F, Hernández LG, Dobarro I, García C, Sanz R, Pugnaire FI (2003) The ratio of the leaf to total photosynthetic area influences shade survival and plastic response to light of green stem leguminous shrub seedlings Annals of botany 91, 1-8. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcg059