Work Experience

Investigation Unit Senior Analyst. Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (Financial Market Comission), Chile (November 2018 - Present).

Analysis of operations and unusual behaviours that could infringe current regulations of the securities, insurance, and banking markets in Chile.

  • Lecturer and participated in the IIMV-AECID Training Course for Supervision and Inspection of Markets, Entities, and Other Parties Intervening the Ibero-American Capital Markets. Guatemala, March 2020.

Research Associate. The Policy Institute, King's College London, UK (February 2022 - September 2022).

Research support for the 'Work/Place: The Changing Nature of Work in London' project at the Policy Institute at King's College London and the King's Business School.

Insurance Supervision Analyst. Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (Financial Market Comission), Chile (January 2014 - November 2018).

Supervisory tasks to include insurance company solvency evaluations, risk management evaluations, financial statements analysis, and investment portfolio analysis.

  • Participated in the Fifth FSI-IAIS Regulatory and Supervisory Training Online Programme. August - December 2018.

  • Participated in the IAIS-ASSAL Regional Training Seminar for Insurance Supervisors of Latin America. Costa Rica, November 2016.

Investment Control Analyst. Consorcio Nacional de Seguros, Chile (January 2013 - January 2014).

Functions related to valuations of Consorcio holding investments, including compliance management of up-to-date industry regulations, as well as generation of internal control reports.