
Scholarships and Honours.

  • MA in Political Economy with distinction. King's College London, UK (2022)

  • Principal's Global Leadership Award. King's College London, UK (2022).

  • Winner of the King's Civic Challenge (health and wellbeing). King's College London, ClearCommunityWeb, UK (2022).

  • Chevening Scholarship. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UK (2021-2022).

  • MSc in Finance with the highest distinction. Universidad de Chile, Chile (2018).

  • UN Volunteers Certificate of Appreciation for contributions to sustainable development goals. FLACSO Chile, UN Volunteers (2016).

  • Winner of the First Generation of the Escuela de Innovación Social UC (School of Social Innovation of Universidad Católica de Chile). CoLab Laboratorio de Innovación Social UC, Chile (2014).

  • UN Volunteers Certificate of Appreciation for contributions to sustainable development goals. CCLP Worldwide, The Education Charter, UN Volunteers (2012).

  • Bicentenario Scholarship. Ministry of Education, Chile (2007-2011).

Other Activities.

Volunteer Advisor at Fundación Trascender, Chile (2012 - Present).

    • Social Organization: Fundación Niñas Valientes (2022).

Project: Consultancy in strategic planning and funding options.

        • Evaluation of the financial/accounting management.

        • Accounting transaction recording tool.

        • Cash flow forecasting tool.

    • Universidad de Chile (2021).

Project: Mentoring Business Administration and Economics students.

    • Social Organization: Centro Internacional de Equidad e Inclusión en Educación Superior CINESUP (2019).

Project: Consultancy in strategic planning and funding options.

        • Strategic management diagnosis through Canvas Model.

        • Reporting of sources of funding.

    • Social Organization: Fundación Panal (2018).

Project: Consultancy in the funding model.

        • Foundation planning and projected growth.

        • Market perspective regarding product 'sales'.

        • Market perspective regarding sources of funding.

    • Social Organization: Escuela Novomar (2018)

Project: Consultancy in the area of project design.

  • Review of intervention lines.

  • Reporting of sources of funding.

  • Management of applications for competitive funds.