Montgomery County, MD

Montgomery County crime incidents on Google Map

  • Data collected from Jan.1 to Dec.31 2016
  • Show the Density of crime
  • Hover Tool to show the details
    • Crime type ,Geolocation, Days of Week, Date, Time
  • Districts are the Centroids of Crime
  • Density
    • Sliver Spring
    • Wheaton
    • Montgomery Village

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Association Rules

2812 as Driving Under Influence

1834 as Marijuana/Hashish possession CDS

We use Python package to implement

Crime over days of a week

  • No a particular day when the majority of crimes happened
  • More crimes happened on Tuesday than the other days in week
  • It is surprising to find that the most of crimes happened on Tuesday, Not FRIDAY!

Click on the Graph

Driving Under Influence

  • 1st: April
  • 2nd: May

  • DUI:
    • Teenager
    • Snow Melt

Click on the Graph


  • Majority of crimes occurred between 14:00 to 16:00 and 16:00 to 18:00
  • Less crimes occurred between 4:00 and 6:00 followed by 2:00 and 4:00