Data Science Problem

How can POLICE FORCE Handle crime more efficiently?

The data science question regarding this matter is “how can police force handle crime more efficiently?” This question is too general to answer because there are many different roles that big data can help police force in handling crime more efficiently. In order to answer this big data science question, there must be smaller questions that can eventually lead to answering the question. The first smaller question is “in which parts of cities, counties, or states do crime happen the most?” This question will guide to focus specifically on the areas that are most vulnerable to crime. The second smaller question is “on what day of week do crime happen the most in the areas?” This second question is followed by the third smaller question; “in what time period do crime happen the most in the areas?” These two questions will give a general idea of the frequency of crime in the crime hotspots. The fourth smaller question is “what types of crime is prevalent in the areas?” Answering the four smaller questions can eventually lead to answering the data science question.