Board Meetings

Board of Trustees

Leslie Kaplan, President

Beryl Skog, Vice President

Elizabeth Cleary, Treasurer

Bobbi Bauer, Secretary

Julie Kim, Board Member

Kathleen Savas, Alternate to the Mayor

Barbara Schuierer, Recording Secretary

John Orfini, Alternate to the Superintendent of Schools

Michael Burke, Superintendent of Schools

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, April 15, 2019 at the Cresskill Public Library.

February 25, 2019




The meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by

President Les Kaplan on February 25, 2019, one week later due to the President’s Day holiday.


Mr. Les Kaplan, Mrs. Beryl Skog, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleary, Ms. Bobbi Bauer,

Mrs. Julie Kim, Mr. John Orfini, and Ms. Rita Browning attended.

Mrs. Kathy Savas (1) was absent.

Mrs. Norma Shalhoub, Library bookkeeper, attended.


The minutes of the meeting of January 28, 2019 were reviewed. A motion was made by Mrs. Cleary and seconded by Mrs. Skog to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously approved.


The Board reviewed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of February. The 25 bills for February totaling $45,102.37 were reviewed. The Expense Spreadsheet for January was reviewed. Mrs. Shalhoub reported that all the bills to date have been paid, and she had been able to transfer $70,000 to Building Fund 1 Money Market. When questioned again about FDIC insurance on the Money Market accounts over $250,000, Mrs. Shalhoub reminded the Board that she had spoken to ConnectOne Bank and Mr. Harold Laufeld at the Borough and was told that unlike personal accounts the municipal accounts do not have a $250,000 maximum for insurance coverage. It becomes unwieldy to have too many accounts. Since the Library may soon be receiving bills for work related to the renovation, Mrs. Shalhoub said she would need to get checks linked to the Building Fund accounts.

A motion was made by Mr. Orfini and seconded by Mrs. Skog to file the February Treasurer’s Report for audit, pay the bills on the bill list, and sign in blank two payroll checks, nos. 1569 and 1570, for the periods ending February 25 and March 12, 2019. The motion was unanimously approved.

Another motion was made by Mrs. Cleary and seconded by Mrs. Skog to make a resolution to use ConnectOne Bank in 2019. The motion was unanimously approved.


Security and Alarm System

Mrs. Skog asked Ms. Browning for an update on the security and alarm system. She reported that one camera is still not working, and the staff has a hard time looking at the large monitor by the entrance. Mr. Mike Hamlett told her it is more for the patrons to see that there are cameras and, therefore, it acts as a deterrent. Both Ms. Browning and

Mrs. Cleary felt that the big screen looks unsightly. Mrs. Skog felt that the town is very supportive of what Mr. Hamlett does, but at the Library the system is not yet complete, one of the cameras is not working, she is not happy with all the cords hanging down and feels the monitor is too “in your face.” In other recently renovated libraries that they have toured, Mrs. Cleary and Mrs. Skog indicated that most have had security systems installed but it is not obvious and the monitor is in the back. Mrs. Cleary felt unfortunately the Library is probably stuck with the monitor where it is.

Baby Boxes

The Senior Center did not have room for the Baby Boxes, but they are now being stored in the warehouse at the Recreation Center. Ms. Browning will call Mr. Hamlett when she needs more boxes. Ten boxes will be kept at the Library. She had been asked by the Board for a report as to where the people who picked up the Baby Boxes lived, but

Ms. Browning said that the staff is only supposed to ask the person for the code proving that they completed Baby Box University online not who they are or where they live. However, she knows that since the last meeting three have gone to Cresskill residents. Mrs. Skog advised the Board that Mrs. Savas had indicated that the boxes could be mailed to people directly from the manufacturer, but Mrs. Skog’s research found that the Baby Boxes could not be ordered from the manufacturer but need to be picked up from a designated location. Mrs. Skog suggested one box be assembled and displayed at the Senior Center since some members had expressed interest for their own grandchildren. The boxes include the crib/box, mattress pad, outlet plugs and safety items, CPR kit and coupons.

Renovation Committee

Ms. Browning received a $4,000 proposal from Johnson Soils Company to perform the test borings to be taken in the area of the Children’s Room bump-out to be sure the ground is sturdy enough to support the new construction. These findings are needed as soon as possible so that Mr. Lothrop’s engineering firm can move forward on designing the footings and foundation. Since Johnson Soils Company was the firm recommended by Mayor Romeo, Ms. Browning sent the proposal to him for review. She will contact the Mayor and Mr. Lothrop and ask them whether they think this is a reasonable estimate. Mrs. Skog thought Ms. Browning could contact other libraries and ask whom they used for boring samples. A motion was made by Mrs. Cleary and seconded by Mrs. Skog that the Board give authority to Mr. Kaplan to sign the proposal for the test borings. The motion was unanimously approved.

Mrs. Shalhoub reminded the Board that they needed to find a Clerk of the Works/Project Manager to oversee the renovation. It was noted that Oakland Library paid their Project Manager $80,000 but this was a larger project. Mr. Orfini suggested Mayor Romeo be asked for a recommendation since he may know of a retiree in town who would be qualified.

Ms. Browning advised the Board that she has forwarded the Proposed Renovation Plan to Mr. Tim Gueltzow, HVAC Manager for Tri Tech Energy. He is looking into possible funding through state programs that the Library might be eligible. Ms. Browning hopes he will be able to give us a revised estimate for an HVAC upgrade.

The Board went into Closed Session to discuss personnel issues. Ms. Browning and Mrs. Shalhoub were asked to step out of the meeting.

The Board meeting was reopened, and Ms. Browning and Mrs. Shalhoub returned to the meeting.


Ms. Browning submitted the Library Director’s Report for the month of February online prior to the meeting so the Board could review it in advance. A summary of the Report as well as any discussions about its content are presented in the minutes. Several of the issues in Ms. Browning’s Report were previously discussed during this meeting.

State Report and Library Statistics

Ms. Browning reviewed the State Report Statistics for 2018 that she had prepared. She reported that Library circulation is doing very well. Circulation is up the most since last year in the Juvenile category: 36,872 in 2018 and 32,474 in 2017. Annual total circulation of all categories in 2018 was 109,646 and in 2017 it was 108,544. She noted that media has gone down since people are streaming more now. The Library was a net plus lender again in 2018 with total net loans of 3,344. Two checks were received in the amounts of $504 and $807. Only 25 of the 77 libraries in BCCLS were net plus lenders. There were 271 adult programs with 2,424 people in attendance. There were 225 programs for children age 11 and under with 2,716 in attendance, and 83 programs for young adults age 12 to 18 with 768 in attendance. Earlier on the day of the meeting 28 children attended a program to make African masks. Ms. Browning stated that there are 7,098 registered borrows, which is 83 percent of Cresskill’s population of 8,573. BCCLS estimated the value of a Cresskill Library card to be worth $832. She felt the Library was doing very well in all areas. Every month the staff evaluates the programs that were held and make up a sheet that shows how successful the program was and how many people attended each event.

Bolton Trust Settlement

Ms. Browning told the Board that the Hygrosol matter is still ongoing, and Mr. Eric Goldman cannot give her a timeframe for a resolution and further distribution.

Library Staff

Ms. Browning informed the Board that she has met one-to-one with each part-time staff to find out, besides their regular jobs, what additional contributions they would like to make to the Library. They each chose areas they were interested in, such as tech, coding, comics and graphics, adult reading advisory materials, oral history, local history and weeding and mislinked item reports. Ms. Browning indicated that this staff is very creative, has a lot of ideas and more involved in technology. On February 19

Ms. Browning held a staff dinner meeting to brainstorm future program ideas, events and workshops for patrons and professional development and training. The staff is trying to get the 20-30 year old group more interested in the Library. Ms. Browning is planning monthly staff dinners.

Staff Performance Evaluations were done in 2016 through 2018, and Ms. Browning will do them again between May and June. She told the Board that patrons have remarked that the new hires are friendly, professional and customer-service oriented. The staff has indicated that morale has improved and they are working as a team. Mrs. Skog agreed that the staff is very enthusiastic about their jobs.

Ms. Browning reported that in 2019 the new staff is doing a lot more with less hours than in 2018, and they are doing what they enjoy.

Record Retention

Ms. Browning dropped off a payroll box covering 2012-2017 at the Borough Hall. The boxes remaining are Board Meeting minutes and payroll/time sheet records. Corporate Records, Board agendas and minutes must be retained permanently. Finance and Administration Records should be kept for seven years. Electronic documents and records should be retained as if they were paper documents, and a record can be digitized after three years. She indicated that she has volunteers that could do this. Mrs. Skog thought these records could be on a secure cloud server or external hard drive, and Mr. Kaplan stated that in case of a disaster a copy should be kept off the Library premises. Ms. Browning only found five other boxes in the Borough Hall’s upstairs boiler room, and no one seems to know where the rest of the boxes are now. Mrs. Cleary said that two shipments of boxes were sent over there last year. Mrs. Skog noted that the NJLA Record Retention Policy states that these records should be kept in the “agency,” meaning Library, and we have been keeping them at the Borough Hall. Ms. Browning will look into a drop-down ladder in the Library’s storage area of the staff room with Mr. Lothrop.

Building Maintenance

Ms. Browning and the staff have been working hard to clean and de-clutter the Library closets, desks and cabinets, as well as weeding all the collections. In addition, database flyers and bookmarks were created and displayed for Overdrive, Libby,, Morningstar, Hoopla and Kanopy, and ALA Resources for Readers Pamphlets for the romance and mystery genres have been displayed.

Ms. Browning was able to get a lower price than originally quoted for the LaCasse Bookshelf three-unit system. The unit has been delivered and set up.

Cresskill Library Foundation

The Foundation had its first informational meeting on February 21 to discuss fundraising ideas, best ways of approaching corporations and businesses and promotional flyers and pamphlet ideas. So far $150 has been earned on Facebook and gained two people interested in serving on the Foundation Board.

Seed Library

The Library is working with Ms. Rosalia Fiordilino, a member of the Cresskill Environmental Commission, to create a Seed Sharing Library. Seed-sharing programs aim to expand access to crops and educate the public, while also protecting scarce agricultural resources. To initiate interest in the program there will be a movie screening of the documentary “Seed” at the Library.

Care One Partnership

Mr. Kaplan asked for an update on the Pop Up Library at Care One of Cresskill.

Ms. Browning said Care One is still looking for a bookshelf, and the Library will then supply them with about 20 books.

One Book, One Community

The Library is partnering with the Jewish Federation on One Book, One Community events this year. This year’s selection is Among the Living by Jonathan Rabb. On

March 13 at 2 P.M. Holocaust survivor Agnes Adler, and artist and sculpture, will be speaking about her experiences in the Holocaust and will display memorabilia and show a video. Ms. Browning met Ms. Adler at her home to view her artwork and discuss her Holocaust memories.

New Jersey Makers Day

The Library has once again signed up to participate in the 5th Annual NJ Makers Day on March 22 from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm and a full-day session on March 23. The Library will be partnering with several organizations to offer an exciting array of STEM and STEAM activities.

Friends of the Library

On February 8 the Friends received a check in the amount of $1,150.80 from Better World Books for commissions earned from September 18 until December 18, 2018.

Webinars and Workshops

In January and February several staff members attended webinars and in-house trainings provided by the BCCLS Office for the new LEAP version of POLARIS. In February Ms. Browning attended the “Increase Library Hours and Extend Access with Open Bibliotech” Webinar, the “Evolve Library Experience for Staff Service Users in the CloudLibrary” Webinar, the MakerBot Webinar: “How to Integrate 3D Printing with K-6 Technology Specialist, Jessica Pfau,” and will be attending the Network for Good Webinars entitled, “Fundraising in the Digital Age and Going Beyond the Gala: Alternative Event Fundraising Ideas.” In February Ms. Browning and Ms. Kim Livingston attended the eBCCLS Training workshop at the Tenafly Library.


BCCLS Program for Trustees

Ms. Browning advised the Trustees that they were invited to a program entitled “Mission Possible: Communicating Your Library’s Value” to be hosted by the BCCLS Advocacy Committee at the Rochelle Park Senior Center. It is a first-time event to help library supporters prepare for upcoming legislative visits and to help them become better advocates for their libraries. Flyers on the event were provided to the Board.


The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 18, 2019.

A motion was made by Mrs. Skog and seconded by Mrs. Cleary to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M. The motion was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara F. Schuierer

Recording Secretary

January 28, 2019




The meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by

President Les Kaplan on January 28, 2019, one week later due to the Martin Luther King holiday.


Mr. Les Kaplan, Mrs. Beryl Skog, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleary, Ms. Bobbi Bauer,

Mrs. Julie Kim, Mr. John Orfini, Mrs. Kathy Savas and Ms. Rita Browning attended.

Mrs. Norma Shalhoub, Library bookkeeper, attended.


The minutes of the meeting of December 17, 2018 were reviewed. Mrs. Skog noted that a typographical error was made on Page 2, last line of Paragraph 2 of the Closed Session and was corrected to read “…and advise her of the 2% increase.”

A motion was made by Mrs. Cleary and seconded by Mrs. Skog to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was unanimously approved.


The Board reviewed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of January. The 30 bills for January totaling $55,011.83 were reviewed. The Expense Spreadsheet for December was reviewed. Mrs. Shalhoub reported that the Library has not overspent on any of the categories. Mrs. Shalhoub said that Mr. Harold Laufeld is not able to give Ms. Jurgensen the 2% increase until he receives a written request. Ms. Browning will send a letter to him.

A motion was made by Mr. Orfini and seconded by Mrs. Savas to file the January Treasurer’s Report for audit, pay the bills on the bill list, and sign in blank two payroll checks, nos. 1543 and 1544, for the periods ending January 29 and February 12, 2019. The motion was unanimously approved.


Mr. Kaplan advised the Board that since tonight is the organizational meeting, the Board would be holding elections for officers for 2019. A motion was made by Mrs. Savas and seconded by Mr. Orfini to keep the same slate of officers as in 2018. The current officers agreed to remain in their positions, and the motion was unanimously approved.

The Board of Trustees for 2019 is as follows:

Les Kaplan……….President

Beryl Skog……….Vice President

Betty Cleary……...Treasurer

Bobbie Bauer……..Secretary


The Board reviewed the budget for 2019 prepared by Ms. Browning and Mrs. Shalhoub. Mrs. Shalhoub reported that revenues from the Borough increased approximately $20,000 due to the third of a mill figure; however, she noted that more people have been added on the staff so salaries and benefits have increased. The budget reflects the 2.53% increase in the third of the mill figure. A lot of the categories under Expenses have remained the same except for a $15,000 increase under Capital Improvement. Mrs. Shalhoub felt that the Library would soon be getting to the phase of the renovation when we may need to spend money on initial renovation expenses. Maintenance of the Library increased $5,000. The budget for supplies went up $1,000 and PR increased $500 because

Ms. Jurgensen is doing a lot more with children’s programs. Computers category increased $5,000, and Ms. Browning indicated most of the increase is due to data base upgrades. Insurance and Audit remained the same. Mrs. Skog asked for an update on expenses and funds for the renovation. Mrs. Shalhoub indicated that there have not been too many expenses to date, and the two Building Money Market accounts currently total $485,672.81 with an additional $91,433.55 in the Business Money Market. Mr. Kaplan stated that even if the State grant money does not come through, there is still more money coming in from the Bolton Trust so the Board can certainly plan on doing the $500,000 renovation we had originally discussed.

A motion was made by Mr. Orfini and seconded by Mrs. Skog to accept the budget for 2019 as presented. The motion was unanimously approved.


BCCLS Executive Director

Ms. Browning informed the Board that the new Executive Director of BCCLS, Mr. David Hanson, stopped by the Cresskill Library on January 14 to tour the Library, meet the staff and get input for the BCCLS Strategic Plan and Mission Statement. Ms. Browning said that he was amazed by the number and types of programs the Library offered and took an interest in our renovation plans and the baby box program. Mr. Orfini asked if the Board members had been invited to come to the Library when Mr. Hanson was there, and

Ms. Browning said that on that day he just dropped in to meet the director. She knew what day he was coming but not the time. He is new and is just talking to the directors right now, but she could invite him to a Board meeting at a later date.

Security and Alarm System

Mrs. Skog asked Ms. Browning for an update on the security and alarm system. She reported that camera number two is still not working, and she has not seen Mr. Mike Hamlett come into the Library. Mrs. Savas indicated that he would probably come in the morning before the Library opened.

Staff Holiday Party

The Board thanked Mrs. Kim for ordering the food from Kings for the staff holiday luncheon. Ms. Browning said the lunch was very nice, and she had previously emailed a copy of the staff’s thank you note to the Board.

Staffing Concerns

Mr. Kaplan advised the Board that Ms. Michelle Jurgensen sent a very nice letter thanking them for reconsidering her salary after receiving her MLIS degree, that she was excited to accept their offer and was looking forward to the many plans she has for the children’s programs.

Ms. Browning reported that she had hired two new employees for 15 hours each, and they are working out great. On day one they were already working at the circulation desk. Mr. Nathan (Nachum) Fisch is expected to receive a MLIS degree from Rutgers in 2020. He has an interest in gaming and comics and is proficient in Hebrew. Ms. Nicole Millian just received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science with a Minor in Information Technology Management from Ramapo. Ms. Browning feels the morale of the staff is getting better.

In answer to the Board’s question, Ms. Browning told them that the staff is wearing their nametags.

Baby Boxes

Regarding the amount of storage space and time putting together the Baby Boxes,

Mrs. Savas felt that this year the staff should focus on the welfare of Cresskill residents rather than on a program that is offered to people outside our area and even outside New Jersey. However, Ms. Browning felt it was a very good outreach program that has given the Cresskill Library publicity in 201 Magazine and on television and even the new BCCLS director was impressed with the program. She felt that the Library’s circulation has gone up because of our general philosophy and outreach, and people recognize the name of the Cresskill Library. She felt the Baby Boxes are also a public advocacy tool, and libraries today promote public relations and community. Mrs. Skog agreed that today we are trying to create libraries that are not just places for books but are a community center in the sense that it makes the library a center of social concern. She added that for her the problem was the lack of space for storage for the boxes, and if the space issue could be addressed, she feels it is good PR for the Library to keep them.

Mrs. Cleary felt that while we are looking at the renovation we have no space to keep the boxes. Ms. Browning indicated that she feels strongly about keeping the boxes as she gives out two or three a week. However, she felt she may be able to cut down on the volume of boxes delivered and could discontinue giving out the CPR kits with the boxes as they are donated by another organization. In addition, Mr. Kevin Terhune said he could help her find space, and she and the staff are currently cleaning up the back of the staff room and the boiler room. The boxes started in Finland to improve infant mortality rates. Mrs. Skog added that the boxes are given out in an effort to get the baby not to sleep in bed with the parents and to help prevent SIDS. When asked who else provides the Baby Boxes Ms. Browning told the Board that there are a few other libraries, hospitals and community centers. Mr. Orfini asked if Ms. Browning could give the Board a report as to where the boxes are going and indicated that the Board only gets involved with Ms. Browning’s running of the Library when there is a space issue, time issue or monetary issue; otherwise, what happens in the Library is left to her discretion. Ms. Browning said she has volunteers that will put the boxes together when they are not busy with other work. The Board asked Ms. Browning to provide more information for the next meeting. Ms. Bauer questioned whether the Baby Boxes could be stored in the attic, and Ms. Browning said yes if we had a pull-down staircase inside the Library as the only access to the attic is from outside. Since the attic is large the Board thought this could be a great solution for storage. Ms. Browning will email Mr. James Lothrop to find out if a pull-down staircase could be included in the renovation, and she thought it should be located in the staff area.

Renovation Committee

Mrs. Skog informed the Board that she, Mrs. Cleary and Ms. Browning had a very productive meeting with Mr. James Lothrop, architect at Lothrop Associates, at the Library on Saturday, January 12. He took them around inside and outside the Library to see exactly where the bump-outs would go and could see that they are a pretty good size. She felt that they were all on the same page finally.

Mrs. Skog told the Board that she and Mrs. Cleary have worked very many hours on the Renovation Committee and the Personnel Committee and they need help on this. There is a need for more active Board members, and she asked the Board members if anyone had any ideas of people who might want to join. Mrs. Savas said it is getting harder and harder to get volunteers in town, but she will ask Mayor Romeo for any recommendations. Ms. Browning said she would like to get Mr. Greg Foudy back on the Board.

Mrs. Savas asked Ms. Browning for an update on the status of the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act. Ms. Browning explained that libraries do not yet have the criteria or the application since it is still being reviewed by government agencies, but they anticipate a spring release, possibly April.


Ms. Browning submitted the Library Director’s Report for the month of January online prior to the meeting so the Board could review it in advance. A summary of the Report as well as any discussions about its content are presented in the minutes. Several of the issues in Ms. Browning’s Report were previously discussed during this meeting.

HVAC System

Ms. Browning reported that Reiner Air Conditioning had to inspect the heating furnaces because the public area had no heat. The technician found a bad Reznor pilot assembly, cleaned it and the heat was temporarily operating. Nine days later the technician replaced pilots on both furnaces and restarted the heat. The cost for the service was $944.74; however, Ms. Browning complained about the cost since the part was just barely out of warranty, and Reiner reduced the charge to $863.

Cresskill Library Foundation

Ms. Browning informed the Board that she and Ms. Kim Livingston created a sketch of Architect James Lothrop’s renovation design for the Library and posted it on a Facebook page. This page also outlined what is to be included in the full renovation, discussed the NJ Construction Bond Act, included a button for donations, a notification of the Foundation formation and the designation by the IRS of the 501(C)3 charitable tax exempt status and a request for those that are interested in being part of the Foundation Board of Directors or general membership. So far the Foundation has earned $150 and gained two new people interested in being on the Foundation Board, as well as an Alpine couple whom had previously expressed interest. A ConnectOne Bank Account has been opened for the Foundation and a large donation check from Molly and Larry Frederick has been deposited.


On January 11 LibraryLinkNJ held another Virtual Town Hall meeting to update the membership about the budget crisis and its impact on services. Ms. Browning said it looks like it will not get extended beyond the end of June.

LaCasse Bookshelf

Ms. Browning would like to purchase another three unit LaCasse shelving unit for the overflowing biography section at a cost of $2,683.85. The unit is a nice-looking hardwood three-shelf unit that is low and will match the one that already houses biographies. Mrs. Shalhoub felt the Library should not purchase anything now because we do not know where we are going to place things in the renovation, and she felt strongly that the Library should be saving its money right now. However, Ms. Browning felt that biographies are an important section of the Library especially now, and they are not being displayed properly. Mrs. Skog wondered whether the Friends of the Library could make a partial donation toward the purchase, and Ms. Browning indicated that they were already helping out the Library with other purchases. The Board members looked at the existing LaCasse bookshelf and agreed that it was an attractive piece of furniture and discussed where the new unit would be placed. Mrs. Savas said that if Ms. Browning was confident that she could keep within the budget the purchase should be up to her, and the Board agreed.

CareOne Partnerships

In January Ms. Browning met with Ms. Cheryl Dorn, Administrator for Care One of Cresskill, to visit the facility and finalize details for the Pop Up Library. Ms. Dorn will purchase a bookcase to display the Library books that will be placed in the entryway lounge.

One Book, One Community

The Library is partnering with the Jewish Federation on One Book, One Community events this year. This year’s selection is Among the Living by Jonathan Rabb. On

March 13 Holocaust survivor Agnes Adler will be speaking about her experiences in the Holocaust and will display memorabilia and show a video.

Oral History

Ms. Erica Fugger presented a National Home Front Project Oral History Interview Workshop on January 17, 2019 from 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm. This oral history interview workshop explained how to collect stories about Cresskill during World War II.

New Jersey Makers Day

The Library has once again signed up to participate in the 5th Annual NJ Makers Day on March 22 from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm and a full-day session on March 23.

Grant Opportunities

Ms. Browning reported that she received a call from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation stating that they have favorably reviewed the Letter of Inquiry seeking funding for AWE Learning Stations for the Library, and they will be offering some of our requested amount by June or July.

Friends of the Library

As of December 31 the Friends of the Library have a total balance of $339.08 in their ConnectOne Bank account. The Account Manager for Better World Books has advised Ms. Browning that in February the Friends should receive a check in the amount of $1,161.28 for commissions received in the months from September to December of 2018.

Webinars and Workshops

In January Ms. Browning attended the BCCLS Webinar “Learning to Love LEAP,” the Polaris LEAP in-person training at the BCCLS office, the LibraryLinkNJ Virtual Town Hall Webinar, the Network for Good Webinar entitled “5 Ways to Hit your Fundraising Goals with a Donor Management System,” and in February she will attend the BCCLS Tech Committee Meeting at the Glen Rock Library. In January Ms. Michelle Jurgensen attended the BCCLS Youth Services Mock Awards at the Washington Township Library. In January Ms. Browning and Ms. Kim Livingston attended and presented at the Maker FunConference held at the Wyckoff Library, and in February they will be attending an eBCCLS training workshop at the Tenafly Library. In January and February staff members have attended or will attend the Polaris LEAP Circulation and Linking and Management Webinars and in-person trainings.


125th Anniversary Celebration

Mrs. Savas reminded the Board that this year Cresskill will be celebrating its 125th Anniversary, informed them of some of the activities scheduled, and invited the Library to take part in some way.


Since the Board did not have time to consider pending personnel issues, a closed personnel meeting will be held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, February 4, 2019.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday,

February 25, 2019, one week later due to the Presidents’ Day holiday.

A motion was made by Mrs. Cleary and seconded by Mrs. Skog to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 P.M. The motion was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara F. Schuierer

Recording Secretary