2022 Call for Papers

Deadline for Submissions: March 15, 2022

8th Canadian PhD and Early Career Researcher Workshop

in Environmental and Resource Economics

Call for Participants

The Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association (CREEA) invites PhD students and early career researchers working on topics in resource and environmental economics to a 2-day workshop to be held in-person at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario on June 6-7, 2022, immediately following the Canadian Economics Association annual conference. There is no fee to attend the CREEA Workshop.

CREEA welcomes applications from those researching any aspect of environmental economics (environmental behavior, energy economics, climate change, green business or natural resource problems) using theory, empirics or experimental methods, and based in economics departments, business schools, schools of public policy, etc. In previous editions, the workshop has convened around 20 early-stage researchers from inside and outside Canada from institutions such as Yale, Queens, Amsterdam, UBC, Ottawa, Paris, Columbia, McGill, Berkeley, Alberta, Cornell, Oslo, Toronto, Vienna, Calgary, LSE.

Sessions are built around 30-minute presentations, giving participants the chance to expose their ideas and get feedback from junior colleagues and senior scholars. Social time will give an excellent opportunity for participants to network, exchange ideas and experiences and get to know each other. The atmosphere is informal and collegial.

Keynote guests will be announced shortly. They will provide feedback on presentations and lead economics career workshops (tips on finding research topics, navigating the job market, getting papers published, managing the tenure process, etc.).

At present, there is still uncertainty about the extent of COVID-19 related restrictions on assembly, but the goal is to gather in-person, if public health advice permits and there is sufficient interest among participants. The delivery mode will default to “only” virtual should the situation worsen or interest is limited. To facilitate planning, we are also surveying applicants on attendance preferences. This information will have no bearing on the selection of papers.


A full application requires:

  1. Filling out this web form, and

  2. Uploading copies of your paper and CV via the web form by February 28, 2022. To maximize the quality of the workshop for all attendees, only applicants who submit a full and complete paper will be considered.

The deadline for applications is 11:59 pm Pacific Time, March 15, 2022. However, spaces may be allocated on a rolling basis so early applications are advantaged. International applications are encouraged.

CREEA thanks Cambridge University Press for supporting the prize for PhD and ECR Workshop Best Student Paper.

CREEA thanks the Canadian Economics Association for financially supporting CREEA.