2021 Call for Papers

31st Annual Conference – Call for Papers

The Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association (CREEA) hosts an annual conference for researchers working on topics in resource and environmental economics. The 2021 Conference is hosted by York University and will be held on October 1-2, 2021.

At present, there is still uncertainty about the extent of the COVID-19 related restrictions on assembly, but the prospects for the Fall are promising. The goal is to allow for a hybrid model, with both in-person and virtual components, if public health advice permits and there is sufficient interest among participants. The delivery mode will default to “only” virtual should the situation worsen and/or interest is limited. To facilitate planning, we are also surveying applicants on whether they are interested in attending in person if the hybrid model is feasible. This information will have no bearing on the selection of papers.

Deadline for Submission: 11:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time, July 16, 2021.

Program Committee: Ida Ferrara (Chair); Neil Buckley; Justin Kakeu; Patrick Lloyd-Smith; Janelle Mann; Carol McAusland.


  • Abstracts must not exceed two pages, including references (if any).

  • Please ensure that all authors and their contact information are included in the abstract. Be sure to indicate the presenting author.

  • Submit your abstracts via this web form, which also collects necessary information including the presenter's name, affiliation, email address, whether you intend to attend in person if given the opportunity, and any restrictions on dates/times for presenting, etc..

If you have questions about CREEA or the Conference, or difficulties submitting your abstract via the web form, please contact us at CREEA.ACERE@gmail.com.

CAEE Conference Travel Scholarships

The Canadian Association for Energy Economics (CAEE) is offering up to two CAEE travel scholarships ($1,500 each) to fund graduate student travel to present energy-related research at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association. The CAEE will also be providing funding to cover the registration fees for up to two graduate students that plan on attending and presenting at the conference virtually. Submissions will be reviewed by the CAEE board members. The awards will be based on the research merit and fit within the objectives of the CAEE’s mission.

Submit your applications for the CAEE Conference Travel Scholarships to David Brown (University of Alberta, Dept. of Economics) at: dpbrown@ualberta.ca.