Design Tips

“The core traits of a great infographic are honesty, logic, and beauty.”

Deroy Peraza at Hyperakt [source]

Person pointing

1. Determine what you want to show (scope of content; the audience; intended message).

2. Pinpoint the interesting patterns / data / findings (it’s data visualization, not data beautification).

3. Find an appropriate metaphor / mental model (look at examples if you need inspiration).

4. Lay out the content and design the graphical elements.

5. Put it all together (allow plenty of time for this activity).

6. Step back and review your infographic. Look at it as a whole and ask yourself "Does this infographic work for you and your audience?"

7. Revise.

For more information, take a look at "Presenting Your Findings"

Design Tips - Infographics

Seneca has an institution-wide subscription to which offers a course and individual video lectures on various aspects of Infographic design: logo