
18th Carolina Regional Conference 



LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center

1 Ridgecrest Drive

Black Mountain, NC 28711

中文堂: 我知谁掌管明天

主题讲员: 张路加牧師

张路加牧师原为材料工程师。在中国大学时代重生得救,于德国柏林理工大学材料 研究所深造期间蒙召全职事奉,在美国完成宣教及神学方面的装备,先后获宣教硕士、 道学硕士及教牧博士学位。张牧师在洛杉矶开拓建立并牧养教会多年,自1995年起担任 「播种者」国际协会(The Sowers international) 远东事工部主任至今,同时也为《欧洲 校园事工》(ECM)的创会董事及伙伴宣教士,多年来致力于在华人中的教会培训及校 园福音事工,并在全球各地主领布道奋兴特会。2017年8月至2021年10月,张牧师回应 神的呼召,和师母带着孩子们举家迁至德国长宣,投身于在德国及欧洲的华人福音事 工。目前张牧师仍以ECM伙伴巡迴宣教士的身份,回应“从德国到欧洲”、“从华人到万邦” 的异象,持续地以欧洲工场为服事重点,同时也积极投身“隐藏的吗哪“网路平台的福音 宣教事工的服侍,目前为“隐藏的吗哪”网络宣教事工平台的执行主席。 

English Student Theme:  Listening to a Talkative God


In the last days, God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” - Acts 2:17

Speaker: Rev. Albert L. Wong

Reverend Albert L. Wong has been called to full-time ministry since 1996. After spending his early childhood in Taiwan, he grew up in New York City since the mid-1970s. While he is open to serving God anywhere, he has a distinct passion to minister within this dark and often times harsh city which he has resided in until 2022.

In 1996, Pastor Albert graduated from Alliance Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity. Shortly after, he was ordained by the Christian and Missionary Alliance in 1998. He has over 20 years of pastoral experience in both Flushing Queens and in Manhattan’s Chinatown area. 

Driven by the call of God to plant a much needed Spirit-filled church in Northeast Queens, he along with several families have taken a journey of faith to plant City Light Community Church in 2017. He has a heart to see God’s Word and power deeply transform people’s lives. In 2020, the church merged with another church in the area. Currently, he is assisting in a church plant near Atlanta, Georgia.

He speaks conversational level Mandarin and very broken Cantonese. He is blessed to be married to Cindy since 1995 and they have three adult children along with two exceptionally cute dogs named Abby and Tucker.

English Adult Theme:  “A Praying Life” – Seeking God in a Self-Help World 


1)    We Must Ask – 1 Peter 5:5-7 

2)    Kingdom First – Eph 6:18-20 

3)    Defend Your Home  - 1 Peter 3:7-12 

4)    The Unanswered Prayer – Psalm 13

Speaker: Pastor David Hsu

Pastor David serves at West Houston Chinese Church. He received his Master of Theology (Th.M.) and Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary. Pastor David joined WHCC as the English pastor in 1993. He was appointed as senior pastor in July 2002. He is married to Cheryl and has two children, Nathan and Hannah.

Coordinating church / 主辦教會:

Chinese Christian Church of Columbia  哥伦比亚华人基督教会 

Participating Churches / 協辦教會:(If your church is participating and not listed here, please let us know.)

Agape Chinese Baptist Church 以爱华人浸信会 

Auburn Chinese Bible Study Group 奥本中文查经班

Augusta Chinese Christian Fellowship 奥古斯塔华人基督教会 

Blacksburg Chinese Church 黑堡华语教会

Charlotte Chinese Baptist Church 夏洛特华人浸信会

Charlotte Grace One Christ Church 夏洛特沐恩基督教会

Chinese Christian Church at Clemson 克莱姆森华人基督教教会

Chinese Christian Church of Greater Charleston 查理士顿地区华人基督教会 

First Baptist Concord - Knoxville, TN

Florence Chinese Christian Church 南卡佛羅倫斯華人基督教會    

Greenville Chinese Christian Church 格林维尔华人基督教会 

Lakeview Baptist Church

Living Stone Chinese Community Church 活石华人社区教会

Maple Springs Chinese Christian Church 枫泉华人基督教会 

Westchester Garden Church

Winston -Salem Chinese Christian Church 温莎华人基督教会 

其他教会Other Churches