Featured animals

Turk the turkey

Turk is an Eastern Wild Turkey who I believe was born in 2017. She has a limp from an unknown cause. My guess is she obtained an injury to her leg that then got infected, this is common in Turkeys. I first met her in 2019 when she ventured onto my lawn in search of foods. So I gave her some bird seed and she pecked out only the sun flower seeds!! Turns out that's all turkeys in general care for. Turk left right before the first snowfall that year in search of a warmer hiding spot. She did not come back 2020 but amazingly came back the next year in 2021! On August 14, 2021 we found Turk unable to move, through out the day we brought her water and when nightfall came she still hadn't gone up into a tree so we put the box I used for the feral cat house next to her and she scooched in it for us. We put her in the garage for the night with water and brought her to NewHouse Wildlife Rescue the next morning. They did everything they could for her but unfortunately she did not make it. Rest easy Turk.

Toast the orphaned bunny

Toast was an Eastern Cottontail. I found her in the middle of the road of a major street driving home one day. It took about 3 hours of phone calls and searching on the internet to finally find a wildlife rehabiltator who would take her in and try and save her. This is the reason I created this website. So no one else would have to go through the search without help to find out what to do.

Pheobe the cat

Pheobe is a white short haired domestic cat. Her mother was a stray and taken in by someone and then she had kittens. After 2 months Pheobe and her 3 siblings we're surrendered to the MSPCA to ensure they found the best possible home. She was born early December of 2011 and adopted late February of 2012. She loves playing with toys and going on walks.

Piper the cat

Piper is a black domestic short haired cat and contrary to the superstitions not bad luck at all! Although she is a bit clumsy. She was born mid August and adopted early November. She loves to sit outside and sun bathe and play with her adoptive sister Pheobe.

Ginger the cat

Ginger is a tortuous shell calico rescue cat from the MSCPA. She was adopted when she was about 9 months and she was in the shelter because her first owners abandoned her when they moved. When we adopted Ginger we had to leave her for another day to get spade. After we signed the adoption paper work we went back to her cage one more time to say bye and were told she was screaming till she saw us. Unlike my other cats, Ginger is terrified of going outside and grips onto us as tight as she can in fear of being abandoned again. Ginger loves to sit and look out the window chattering at the birds and rub up against the brim of my hat over and over.

Butters the dog

Message from owner:

Butters is a 8 year old mutt originally from Mississippi. She was adopted in Massachusetts from Sweet Paw Rescue at 4 months old. She is very awkward and viciously barks and growls at strangers because she would like them to come pet her. When Piper (from above) was just a hand sized kitten, Butters was terrified of her and hod behind anyone she could.

Sebastian the cat

Message from owner:

Sebastian is a 13 year old domestic short hair. She was adopted as a kitten along with her brother. She spends most of her time in the warmer months outdoors sleeping but in the winter is basically just an indoor cat.

Boo the chipmunk

Boo is an Eastern Chipmunk that likes to hide in our gutters and jump out when we walk by and scare us, hence the name "Boo". Boo's favorite food are nuts, or anything they can shove inside their cheek pouch to bring back to her burrow. Boo is a very sneaky chipmunk, she has multiple holes around my yard so she always has en escape, Boo even chewed a tiny hole through my garage door just big enough for them to squeeze into just in case!

Dexter the dog

Dexter is a rescue from the North shore animal shelter. Who was adopted as a puppy. Hes part jack Russel terrier, and part beagle. He loves cats and tearing apart toys. He is a living vacuum eating everything he comes across, food or otherwise.

Bosco the dog

From Bosco's owner:

Bosco is a nine year old black lab mix. He is a rescue from North Shore Animal Shelter, originally from North Carolina. He loves to run and play, but has to be careful due to injuries from having been hit by a car when he chased a squirrel across the street. He needed a lot of medical care, including four surgeries, and we were not sure he was going to make it. We are so glad he did! As pet owners it is important to keep an eye on our pets and make sure they are not in dangerous situations. That includes keeping them on a leash, especially near busy roads. As drivers, it is our responsibility to keep our eyes on the road, to drive slowly in residential areas, and to stop before we hit a pet.

Taiga the lost cat

Taiga was found trying to break into someones house after dark begging for help after he got outside in an unfamiliar neighborhood. He eager approached any human he saw, looking for help. This is not nessersellry normal for a lost animal, they are often scared and will run at first sight. Taiga was staying with his aunt when he got out and she had been looking for him all night. Because he had a microchip he was able to be reunited with his family within 24 hours!!

Butter the dog

From Butter's owner:

Butter is a tan and white Pitbull mix type dog, she was found in a Burger King parking lot in North Carolina when she was only a few months old, and passed through many families before finding her forever home in 2011, and she's 12 years old now. She loves going on walks and sleeping for the entire day

Bee the hamster

From Bee's owner:

Bee is a Syrian hamster. She is small but could eat her own body weight if we let her. She is very shy towards new people and spends most of her time on her wheel. She is no stranger to escape attempts, whether it’s biting her cage or chewing through her corral, she is feisty and stubborn.